Using the AWS Systems Manager console or Amazon EC2 console, you can start a session with a single click. Using the AWS CLI, you can also start a session that runs a single command or a sequence of commands. Because permissions to managed nodes are provided through IAM policies instead of SSH keys or other mechanisms, the connection time is greatly reduced.

To meet operational or security requirements in your organization, you might need to provide a record of the connections made to your managed nodes and the commands that were run on them. You can also receive notifications when a user in your organization starts or ends session activity.

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Logging isn't available for Session Manager sessions that connect through port forwarding or SSH. This is because SSH encrypts all session data, and Session Manager only serves as a tunnel for SSH connections.

The AWS Systems Manager console includes access to all the Session Manager capabilities for both administrators and end users. You can perform any task that is related to your sessions by using the Systems Manager console.

To use the AWS CLI to run session commands, you must be using version 1.16.12 of the CLI (or later), and you must have installed the Session Manager plugin on your local machine. For information, see Install the Session Manager plugin for the AWS CLI. To view the plugin on GitHub, see session-manager-plugin.

Through the use of IAM policies, you can control which members of your organization can initiate sessions to managed nodes and which nodes they can access. You can also provide temporary access to your managed nodes. For example, you might want to give an on-call engineer (or a group of on-call engineers) access to production servers only for the duration of their rotation.

Session Manager provide you with options for auditing and logging session histories in your AWS account through integration with a number of other AWS services. For more information, see Auditing session activity and Enabling and disabling session activity logging.

Session Manager provides you with options to configure preferences within sessions. These customizable profiles allow you to define preferences such as shell preferences, environment variables, working directories, and running multiple commands when a session is started.

You can configure Session Manager to encrypt the session data logs that you send to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or stream to a CloudWatch Logs log group. You can also configure Session Manager to further encrypt the data transmitted between client machines and your managed nodes during your sessions. For information, see Enabling and disabling session activity logging and Configure session preferences.

You can also set up VPC Endpoints for Systems Manager using AWS PrivateLink to further secure your sessions. AWS PrivateLink limits all network traffic between your managed nodes, Systems Manager, and Amazon EC2 to the Amazon network. For more information, see Create VPC endpoints.

A session is a connection made to a managed node using Session Manager. Sessions are based on a secure bi-directional communication channel between the client (you) and the remote managed node that streams inputs and outputs for commands. Traffic between a client and a managed node is encrypted using TLS 1.2, and requests to create the connection are signed using Sigv4. This two-way communication allows interactive bash and PowerShell access to managed nodes. You can also use an AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key to further encrypt data beyond the default TLS encryption.

For example, say that John is an on-call engineer in your IT department. He receives notification of an issue that requires him to remotely connect to a managed node, such as a failure that requires troubleshooting or a directive to change a simple configuration option on a node. Using the AWS Systems Manager console, the Amazon EC2 console, or the AWS CLI, John starts a session connecting him to the managed node, runs commands on the node needed to complete the task, and then ends the session.

When John sends that first command to start the session, the Session Manager service authenticates his ID, verifies the permissions granted to him by an IAM policy, checks configuration settings (such as verifying allowed limits for the sessions), and sends a message to SSM Agent to open the two-way connection. After the connection is established and John types the next command, the command output from SSM Agent is uploaded to this communication channel and sent back to his local machine.

I am trying to build TlesrDemoC55 project for C5545 Boosterpack board and I see the following error. I have seen previous posts about can't create session manager: create of JVM failed and I have tried all the solutions such as change the ccsstudio.ini file to remove the heap max size. I have tried adding the jre/bin path to system Path variable. None of these have helped. Any help would be great.

To wrap this up, I say that if you are going to stick with Avaya and plan on adding the value of SIP to your communications system then you need both a Session Manager and a session border controller. You cannot do it with just one box. You absolutely need the two to make your SIP orchestra sing.

Try clearing your saved sessions cache (Settings Manager >> Session and Startup >> Session tab >> "Clear saved sessions", logging out and back in again (Make sure that you don't save the session when logging out).

See if that helps.

Okay, I cleared the saved sessions cache and it did not work. I made sure that the option to save this session was also not checked. Here is the list of what I upgraded. Everything was just fine before this upgrade.

I was running lightdm when this problem started and while doing some searching came across the problem with the display manager. I decided to try and install slim thinking that maybe this would fix it. I followed the Manjaro Slim wiki page and set up the ~/.xinitrc file according to what it said. Here is the page: _Configuration.

I thought I had saved what was there previously with lightdm in a office file but seem to have lost it. So, I am not able to go back to what I had previously. Lightdm is the defualt display manager and was working fine for the last 4 months that I had Manajaro installed until just this last week. So, I am not sure what is really going on here.

if you can't currently edit a file due the black ttys and a missing xterm hit [e] at GRUB and add single to your kernel line (the line beginning with linux) to run in recovery mode. Log in as root and comment the DISPLAYMANAGER line in /etc/conf.d/xdm with nano or vi(this will disable the display manager). After the reboot login and try to launch xfce with

don't uncomment the "sessiondir", make sure "session_msg" is set to make session selection(F1) available - you usually don't need a ~/.xinitrc here since it will execute the *.desktop files /usr/share/xsessions but some people are unable to to logout/reboot which can be fixed by launching consolekit or dbus before your session command eg:

Using Debian testing that was updated to Gnome 3 so I switched to XFCE

I installed XFCE and it was working fine until I went to logout and I got a message.

'Logout error'

'Failed to receive a reply from the session manager'

From that point on the screen was locked up and I had to force a shutdown and on rebooting the desktop opened with the same locked screen that I had when I shut down. 

Fortunatley I had a clone of the o/s so I reinstalled only to have the same thing happen again...and again...and again.

Is it possible to correct the error?

Don't know, however if you tell me how to find if the xfce4-session is running and where would I find information about the Xfce version that I'm using I will have learned something more.

I'm currently trying Xfce on aptosid.

I installed XFCE and it was working fine until I went to logout and I got a message. 'Logout error'

'Failed to receive a reply from the session manager' From that point on the screen was locked up and I had to force a shutdown and on rebooting the desktop opened with the same locked screen that I had when I shut down. 


Running Ubuntu 11.10 with XFCE as the DE - same problem. I found that unticking 'automatically save session' in 'Session and Startup' did the trick for me. XFCE still shows the 'save session' on the logout dialog, but leave it unticked and everything works...

Thanks 3ruce,

I had a look at Session and Startup and 'automatically save session' was already unchecked, however I then noticed when I clicked on the Logout icon to shutdown and in that window in amongst the different options was 'save session for future logins' and that was checked, so I unchecked that and now all seems good.

Maybe all 4 distros are using the SAME window manager, and maybe each distro has customized its config (gdm, I'm guessing) in such a way that it doesn't just fallback to using any available DE, instead insisting on finding/using the DE which was originally present in the distro?

I've had problems with xfce4-session 4.6.2 under Debian Squeeze (i386 and amd64) and 4.8.1 under Debian Testing and LMDE. I've not have a problem with Xubuntu yet but I guess it is just a matter of time. I'm glad (?) to see the problem occurs with PCLinuxOS so it's not just a Debian and derivatives issue. ff782bc1db

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