AWS Certified Developer Associate Cheat Sheet

AWS Certified Developer Associate (DVA-C01) Cheat Sheet

  1. Following Cheat Sheet was prepared during June-2021

  2. Not all the DVA-C01 certification services are covered in this cheat sheet, but only which are very important for exam

  3. Cheat Sheet was prepared based on

    • (Mainly) Udemy Practice tests by Jon Bonso , Neal Davis

    • AWS Documentation

    • AWS FAQ

    • AWS Whitepapers

  4. This Sheet to be used as last min reference ONLY or for quick reference ONLY

  5. This was my notes for last day quick glance before the actual DVA-C01 exam

  6. All credits to excellent course by Neal Davis and challenging practice tests by Jon Bonso

Main Course links

  1. Neal Davis Course & practice tests :

  2. Jon Bonso Practice tests:

  3. In Detail Cheat Sheets by Neal and Jon

  4. Other prominent course for DVA-C01( Adrian Cantrill, Stephane Maarek, Ranga Karanam)

  5. AWS Free Exam Readiness Training

  6. Pearson VUE FREE Practice Exam (Actual price $20, valid till Nov-2020, applicable for all 4 Associate level exams)

  7. AWS Resources

My Preparation for DVA-C01

  1. Time : 3-4 Weeks (3-4hrs per day)

  2. Study Pattern :

  • Neal Davis course

  • Neal Davis Practice Test - 1

  • Jon Bonso Tests - 4

  • Stephane Maarek Test - 2

  • My Own Notes (This Cheat Sheet)

My Practice Tests and Actual Exam Results

My Tips on Practice exams

  • The point of these practice exam is NOT to determine whether you pass or fail or what percentage you get, but to test how good you have understood the AWS services and what services are more appropriate to be applied in a given scenario

  • Irrespective of the practice test you take, clearly read the entire question and every option, think like a developer and choose the right answer or the most appropriate answer to the given scenario. If unsure of the answer eliminate the wrong answers

  • This is NOT your real exam, feel free to google for help (not the answers :D) during the practice exams, but only to ensure you are learning from it and making note of it.

  • Most Importantly, after completion of these practice exams, check the explanation for every answer and make notes for yourself. That's how I came up with this cheat sheet and this was very very helpful for my actual exam

  • Good News is that, actual DVA-C01 is easier than these practice exams (Or maybe you feel easier because these practice tests really test knowledge of your understanding, and help you through it !!! :) )

Are you preparing for DVA-C01? Have doubt that needs clarification? Want to collaborate for other AWS or DevOps Certification preparations? Lets get connected !!!