I was in a call with an existing group chat. One participant dropped off and I added a participant that was not in the group chat. After the meeting I saw that the user I added was now in our chat. I have since removed the user but was wondering if that user could see the group chat history.

In another post, I wrote a demonstration of the messages used for each role. It has a tool specification, and also what the second call back to an AI needs to receive in addition. You can run that script to get the AI calling tools, to work with the object methods of python, or just see the json.

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When adding a third person to the group chat call, the third person is not able to see the previous chat of the group. The person is only able to see the chat messages that will be exchanged during their existence in the group chat. So when you remove this person from the chat afterwards and readd them a second time by calling them (maybe the next day), they still only see the chat massages that were exchanged during the time when they were in the conference call the first time.

I started a video call with A, by clicking the call button in the existing text chat thread with A. We decided that we should talk to B and C. I clicked the people icon and invited B and C to join us. We talked. It was fine.

Whaaat? So it appears that when you invite people to a video chat, Teams makes some decision about the best-matched existing chat group, and adds the extra people, without asking if they should have access to the chat history.

On the desktop it's showing, the message has been read by 2 , however on the phone app, it's showing its been read by 4. So which one is correct? I am bit confused as I want to know if someone has actually read the previous chat history or not . Please reply

You can make one-on-one or group calls with anyone in your organization directly from a chat without having to host a team meeting. These calls are private and won't appear in any team conversation. Entries for the calls will appear in your chat, though.

If you're not currently in a chat with the person you want to call, you can start a new call from a command. Go to the text box at the top of your screen and type /call, then type or select the name of the person you want to reach.

The first time you join a Teams meeting or call on an Apple device running iOS 14, you might see a message from your browser indicating that Teams is requesting local network access. This is due to a change in privacy enhancements for iOS 14. Teams needs local network permissions to support peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture.

ASU Counseling Services Open Call and Open Chat offers simple access to connect with emotional health and well-being support. All services at ASU Counseling Services are confidential and free of charge for ASU students attending any of the four metropolitan Phoenix campuses, including Open Call and Open Chat.

Yes, all TELUS Health Student Support @ ASU services are confidential, under the umbrella of ASU Counseling Services. Except in instances where there is concern regarding immediate safety, you must provide consent for anything you say to be shared beyond ASU Counseling Services and TELUS Health Student Support @ ASU.

Yes. Open Call and Open Chat care providers work to identify where you are in life, and what you are working through in this moment. People at any stage of their academic path, and any stage of life, may find it is helpful to have a phone call or chat session with a counselor.

Students receiving their education through ASU Online have access to 24/7 phone/chat and scheduled counseling sessions through 360 Life Services. This confidential resource supports students who have registered to receive all of their classes and education through ASU Online, and is a support to students wherever they are in the world.

Open Call and Chat has experienced mental health providers who can assist you in a mental health crisis. There is no wrong place to start if you are having a mental health emergency. In addition, you may:

Does anyone know where the number of chat messages / call counts displayed in history is modified? I can't seem to find the chat history settings in my IMP server or call count history for Jabber. CUCM and IMP 11.5.1. In Group and Persistent Chat Settings on my IMP server I see a chat history count default of 15 but I have many more saved in my Jabber client (11.8). Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.

Local chat history is a fixed value of 100 messages per conversation, the values you see for persistent chat are for how many messages will be retrieved from the DB to be shown initially after you load the room in the client.

In the chat section I see all my different chats with different employees in the org. Where can I modify the amount of chats listed? Not so much the messages within each chat, but the chats themselves.

A) yes, Jabber for windows will create a history of the last 99 messages in an IM conversation. These will shown in a greyed out state to indicate history when a IM conversation is opened. When a conversation reaches 100 messages the client will loop and overwrite the history.

tools is an optional parameter in the Chat Completion API which can be used to provide function specifications. The purpose of this is to enable models to generate function arguments which adhere to the provided specifications. Note that the API will not actually execute any function calls. It is up to developers to execute function calls using model outputs.

Within the tools parameter, if the functions parameter is provided then by default the model will decide when it is appropriate to use one of the functions. The API can be forced to use a specific function by setting the tool_choice parameter to {"type": "function", "function": {"name": "my_function"}}. The API can also be forced to not use any function by setting the tool_choice parameter to "none". If a function is used, the output will contain "finish_reason": "tool_calls" in the response, as well as a tool_calls object that has the name of the function and the generated function arguments.

Let's create some function specifications to interface with a hypothetical weather API. We'll pass these function specification to the Chat Completions API in order to generate function arguments that adhere to the specification.

Once again, the model is asking us for clarification because it doesn't have enough information yet. In this case it already knows the location for the forecast, but it needs to know how many days are required in the forecast.

In our next example, we'll demonstrate how to execute functions whose inputs are model-generated, and use this to implement an agent that can answer questions for us about a database. For simplicity we'll use the Chinook sample database.

As before, we'll define a function specification for the function we'd like the API to generate arguments for. Notice that we are inserting the database schema into the function specification. This will be important for the model to know about.

Step 1: Prompt the model with content that may result in model selecting a tool to use. The description of the tools such as a function names and signature is defined in the 'Tools' list and passed to the model in API call. If selected, the function name and parameters are included in the response.

Step 2: Check programmatically if model wanted to call a function. If true, proceed to step 3. 

Step 3: Extract the function name and parameters from response, call the function with parameters. Append the result to messages. 

Step 4: Invoke the chat completions API with the message list to get the response.

I used to call the chat line when I had the 700 minutes plan. After 6 months of calling the chat line I got a threatning letter from att threatning to terminate my service. The letter mentioned something about conference calling but I wasn't making any conference calls or 3 way calls

I now have a diferent plan. I have the mobile share with unlimited minutes. I want to know is it ok for me to call the chat room now. Dozens of people be on there and I'm pretty sure there calling from they cell phones too

I don't believe the OP is asking about chatting with AT&T Rep's... He's talking about chatting with other people from around the globe. It's like social networking, but with voice/actual talking over the phone rather than typing on Facebook or Tumblr.

Agree and if the chat line is really just an 800 number, I do not understand why the OP got a letter threatening termination of service when they were under the 700 minute plan.If there is an issue with that 800 number, I would think the same issue would exist regardless of the voice plan.

The usage of the text field changes depending on whether you're using blocks. If you're using blocks, this is used as a fallback string to display in notifications. If you aren't, this is the main body text of the message. It can be formatted as plain text, or with mrkdwn.

It is expected behavior that screen readers will default to the top-level text field of your post, and will not read the content of any interior blocks in the underlying structure of the message. Therefore, to make an accessible app, you must either:

As of October 2017, it's possible to send a well-formatted application/json POST body to chat.postMessage and other Web API write methods. No need to carefully URL-encode your JSON attachments and present all other fields as URL encoded key:value pairs; just send JSON instead.

For best results, limit the number of characters in the text field to 4,000 characters. Ideally, messages should be short and human-readable. Slack will truncate messages containing more than 40,000 characters. If you need to post longer messages, please consider uploading a snippet instead. 152ee80cbc

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