Asian Volunteers Voice

What is AVV? 

▶︎It’s Online event open to anyone interested in International Voluntaly Service(IVS).

You can know about volunteer projects in Asia and hear various experiences.☺️

What is IVS

▶︎International Voluntary Service (IVS) is a global movement that promotes peace and sustainable development through volunteer work. Volunteers from different countries collaborate on community-based projects addressing social, environmental, and cultural issues. IVS fosters cross-cultural understanding, personal development, and global citizenship, emphasizing principles of non-violence and tolerance. The movement aims to create positive social change through grassroots action and international solidarity.

Who can join

▶︎Everyone is welcome to participate. It is especially recommended for these people.

☺️Who want to go abroad and experience local life and culture.

☺️Who want to use their abilities for the benefit of society.

☺️Who want to make foreign friends.

☺️Who want to learn to speak English better

☺️Who want to experience something different from others.

☺️Who want to challenge something new and gain confidence.

* This means, 14:00-15:30 in Belgium, 17:30-19:00 in India/ Sri Lanka, 17:45-19:15 in Nepal, 17:00-18:30 in Bangladesh, 17:30-19:00 in Myanmar, 19:00-20:30 in Indonesia/ Thailand/ Cambodia/ Laos/ Vietnam, 20:00-21:30 in the Philippines/ Malaysia/ Hong Kong/ Taiwan/ Mongolia, 21:00-22:30 in Japan/ Korea, 22:00-23:30 in Sydney

Time Schedule (19:00-20:30 of GMT+7) *

18th  July, Thursday

1.Welcome / Ice Breaking

2. Projects and Impact

3. Q&A in the Break out session

4. Closing

July Presentation 

Speaker : Alex & Ayaka

Dalaa Thailand

Koh Sukorn is a preserved island of Andaman sea in South Thailand. During this work camp, we will have a

chance to join hands with the community members to preserve the local agriculture (rice planting) while we can

learn about their way of living. Moreover, we will be creating activities and games with children and young

people to open their views and let them learn about international culture together with the volunteers....Details

YCK / MAB / Golden Age Workcamp

Speaker : Sivasangari Ramasamy

MOVE Malaysia

Dear all workcampers, I am Siva. I am the project manager for MOVE workcamp. I’m looking forward to meeting you and making our workcamp  successful experiences. 

I also believe that we can make a good opportunity for the community which we are going to work with, So, please bring good motivation, spirit of commitment, and a willing heart. And please ask anything, tell us any opinions, or suggestions about this workcamp, we can improve this workcamp better to share them.

I introduce 3 MOVE workcamps this time.

Let's enjoy AVV and make a good memory for every one of us!!

....YCK , MAB, Golden Age

June Presentation 

March Presentation 

Speaker : Noriko Ohkusa

This village has been welcoming "Ohenro (pilgrims)" who visit 88 temples in Shikoku since long time ago. The pilgrims walk through this village before visiting "Kakurin-ji temple"; the 20th temple out of 88 temples of the Shikoku Ohenro Pilgrimage...Details

Preserving natural diversity and seashore from erosion because of lack of mangroves and too strong waves from the ocean. Raising awareness of the importance of mangrove conservation as one part of environment protection to the local children, teenagers, and people...Details

February Presentation 

January Presentation 

Network for Voluntary Development in Asia (NVDA)

Website :

Instagram : @nvda_volunteering_in_asia

Facebook : @nvdaasia

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