Hello! Does anyone use Avro with Rust? I used avro-rs 0.13 and it worked somehow in another project. Now it is an Apache project which is definitely a good outcome for the crate, but it still has significant schema-related limitations in 0.14, e.g., they don't have yet published the serialization which covers the situation when schemata split into files (it is in the master but not published).

I am referring to a similar post which i found very useful. It shows how we can load an integer column in an avro file to a BigQuery table containing a timestamp field.Compatibility of Avro dates and times with BigQuery?

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I'm using databrick spark-avro (for Spark for saving a DataFrame fetched from ElasticSearch as Avro into HDFS. After I have done some processing on my DataFrame, I save the data on HDFS using the following command:

I have a spring application that is my kafka producer and I was wondering why avro is the best way to go. I read about it and all it has to offer, but why can't I just serialize my POJO that I created myself with jackson for example and send it to kafka?

The Avro package provides function to_avro to encode a column as binary in Avroformat, and from_avro() to decode Avro binary data into a column. Both functions transform one column toanother column, and the input/output SQL data type can be a complex type or a primitive type.

By default with the SQL configuration spark.sql.legacy.replaceDatabricksSparkAvro.enabled enabled, the data source provider com.databricks.spark.avro ismapped to this built-in Avro module. For the Spark tables created with Provider property as com.databricks.spark.avro incatalog meta store, the mapping is essential to load these tables if you are using this built-in Avro module.

If you prefer using your own build of spark-avro jar file, you can simply disable the configurationspark.sql.legacy.replaceDatabricksSparkAvro.enabled, and use the option --jars on deploying yourapplications. Read the Advanced Dependency Management section in ApplicationSubmission Guide for more details.

You can also specify the whole output Avro schema with the option avroSchema, so that Spark SQL types can be converted into other Avro types. The following conversions are not applied by default and require user specified Avro schema:

To create an Avro-backed table, specify the serde as org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe, specify the inputformat as org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerInputFormat, and the outputformat as org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.io.avro.AvroContainerOutputFormat. Also provide a location from which the AvroSerde will pull the most current schema for the table. For example:

The files that are written by the Hive job are valid Avro files, however, MapReduce doesn't add the standard .avro extension. If you copy these files out, you'll likely want to rename them with .avro.

The AvroSerde returns this message when it has trouble finding or parsing the schema provided by either the avro.schema.literal or avro.avro.schema.url value. It is unable to be more specific because Hive expects all calls to the serde config methods to be successful, meaning we are unable to return an actual exception. By signaling an error via this message, the table is left in a good state and the incorrect value can be corrected with a call to alter table T set TBLPROPERTIES.

In mapping data flows, you can read and write to avro format in the following data stores: Azure Blob Storage, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen1, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 and SFTP, and you can read avro format in Amazon S3.

Thanks for taking the time to look in to this. I had sort of come to the same conclusion but all the info I had seen online seemed to suggest that Hive could access a schema-less Avro object provided that the schema was included via the TBLPROPERTIES avro.schema.url parameter.

The order attribute is optional, and it is ignored by Oracle NoSQL Database. For applications (other than Oracle NoSQL Database) that honor it, this attribute describes how this field impacts sort ordering of this record. Valid values are ascending, descending, or ignore. For more information on how this works, see ://avro.apache.org/docs/current/spec.html#order. e24fc04721

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