The various manufacturers of portable audio recorders often use different and confusing specifications for their products that might prevent an reliable and objective evaluation of their capabilities for recording soft animal sounds in the field. This page provides more homogeneous specifications across the different recorder models. Details on the relevant properties of a recorder in conjunction with a specific microphone are available on the page Understanding microphone and recorder/preamplifier noise specifications. Other details on the properties of the recorders are available in the tutorial on Sound Recording in the Field.

The input (clipping) level at the maximum available gain setting represents the maximum input sensitivity (or "gain") of the recorder. 0 dBu is equivalent to 775 mVrms. Note that the dB gain figures that are often specified by the manufacturers do not represent a meaningful characterization of the relevant input sensitivities that would be needed in practice.

Avisoft Recorder Download

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The dynamic range figure at the maximum available gain setting alone should not be interpreted as an indicator for the performance of a recorder because these numbers will of course depend on the individual maximum gain of the various recorders (a higher maximum gain tend to result in a lower dynamic range figure).

First download and install the RECORDER USGH software from the Avisoft Bioacoustics website ( or directly USGH.exe). This installation program will install both the RECORDER USGH application (rec_usgh.exe) and the required device drivers (usgh_xx16h.inf, usgh.sys) for the UltraSoundGate xx16H devices. When the installation procedure has completed, the UltraSoundGate unit can be connected to the computer. The device should then be detected as "Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116H" and the pre-installed driver should be finally activated.Under some circumstances it might happen that the silent installation of the device driver fails. If that happens, navigate to the Windows Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Device Manager and right-click at the entry Other devices > Avisoft UltraSoundGate 116H and select the Update Driver Software... option. Then click at Browse my computer for device driver software, click at Browse and navigate to the folder C:Program Files (x86)Avisoft BioacousticsRECORDER USGHDrivers and finally click at Next. The completed device driver installation will then look like this:

This a legal agreement between Avisoft Bioacoustics and the buyer. By operating this device and the accompanying software, the buyer accepts the terms of this agreement.The Device and the accompanying software is warranted to perform substantially in accordance with the operating manual for a period of 24 months from the date of shipment.EXCEPT AS SET FORTH IN THE EXPRESS WARRANTY ABOVE, THE DEVICE IS PROVIDED WITH NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE VENDOR EXCLUDES ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.The Vendor's entire liability and the Buyer's exclusive remedy shall be, at the Vendor's SOLE DISCRETION, either (1) return of the device and refund of purchase price or (2) repair or replacement of the device.THE VENDOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES HEREUNDER, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF USE, OR LOSS OF DATA OR INFORMATION OF ANY KIND, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE DEVICE IN NO EVENT SHALL THE VENDOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE.This agreement is the complete and exclusive agreement between the Vendor and the Buyer concerning the device.Avisoft Bioacoustics e.K. Goethestr. 47 16548 Glienicke/Nordbahn GermanyPhone: +49 (0)33056 426086Fax: +49 (0)33056

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Quotes for preparing purchase orders can also be requested from sales@avisoft.comNOTE THAT WE DO NOT ACCEPT CHECKS! Mailed checks will always be returned to the sender.International AgentsChina: Nanjing Oxy Technology&Trading Co., Ltd. (mail to

Versatile multi-channel sound recorder and sound analysis, editing, classification and synthesis tools. It was designed for the special needs of bioacoustics, but it can also be used for any other audio signals. Allows long-term monitoring and recording of acoustic events both in the laboratory and in the field. It allows to have several audio interfaces and different recording systems and the visualization of all the audio inputs in the different channels aswell. The program offers different algorithms of artificial intelligence. Metadata entry. Compatibility with dataloggers information.

We counted the number of calls per recording session with AVISOFT Recorder 3.4. To separate isolation calls from the rest of the recording we used the whistles detection algorithm with following selection criteria: possible changes per step = 4 (4687 Hz), minimal continuity = 8 ms, possible frequency range = 40 to 150 kHz. These criteria were compared with former analysis of pup vocalizations [4]. In addition, we visually controlled the procedure to ensure that the automated sampling routine selected only calls of mouse pups and no other sounds such as toe clicking. The AVISOFT recorder software stores the selected sounds in separate wave files, and, in addition logs the time of call onset.

* Distribution, support and maintenance of the Avisoft-SASLab Pro and Avisoft-RECORDER software.

 * Providing high-quality hardware products for both recording and playback of ultrasound (Avisoft-UltraSoundGate). Custom-specific modifications of the standard UltraSoundGate products are available on request.

 * Distribution of sound recording hardware as microphones, soundcards and portable audio recorders that are required in conjunction with sound analysis projects.

Another thing cool about the Sound Devices audio recorder interface beyond its frequency range is that it records in 32 bit floating point format which gives a very large dynamic range and more protection from digital clipping.

Recorder Tests - Avisoft Bioacoustics - you can check out the independently tested specs for most of the stuff on the market here. The advantage of the F3 and other 32 bit float recorders is that you dont have to mess around with levels and settings as much.

@balazer - note that the Zoom H1 achieves its best SNR at 37 record level, I verified this here in my own lab. It seems silly to mess around with recorders which are so finicky, but I have bought two -- for size, weight and performance they can't be beat... (IMO, of course).

The one gain setting minimizes the internal noise and maximizes the size of the recorder's dynamic range. But maximizing the recorder's dynamic range without regard to the input level only helps you if you can freely shift the level of the input signal to fit the recorder's range, with an external attenuator or pre-amplifier. If you have a high quality external pre-amplifier, then yes, set the H1's gain to 37 and don't touch it: just use the pre-amp's gain control. try to record a bird that's clearly audible to you but it's 1000ft away you will get home and it will sound like noisy garbage. No amount of cranking up the volume will fix it.

If you get a recorder built with the intention of capturing quiet sounds it's a whole different story and the recordings just sound amazing.

What I went with in the end is an Olypmus LS-7 from ebay for $80 plus I made a good fur covering (they call that a "dead cat") to eliminate wind noise. It works INCREDIBLY. If I really want to ID a bird I put on headphones with that thing in the field and it's like having sound binoculars. Plus it just sounds gorgeous. I did field recordings of just walking around old churches and crowds in Europe and it's epicly great.

This approach tells you most of what you need to evaluate other choices:

First imagine the perfect recorder: if you were in a large room and there was something barely making noise at the other end you could hear it perfectly by just increasing the volume enough.

In reality that is not what you get because you run into two main problems.

1) Noise Floor: Recorders like your phone make noise on their own just recording silence. Let's call that the "noise floor". An analogy would be if you were whispering in a crowd - the crowd is noisy and your voice is below the noise floor. For the phone most bird sounds are below the noise floor - you hear the noise instead of the bird. 

2) Dynamic range. A device and the file it is saved in has a limit to what range of volumes it can capture. If you were sitting next to a parrot (very very loud) and hearing a catbird 300ft away it's not easy to get both. What tends to happen is either the parrot makes the sound distort like a bad speaker or the catbird is just too quiet to get (or both). The wider the dynamic range the more difference between quiet and loud sounds you can get in a recording.

A phone has a low dynamic range and a high noise floor. It's not that the phone is cheap - it's really that it just doesn't need it - it's built to catch the human voice well. Very expensive microphones for music are similar - they expect to record relatively loud instruments. 

If you were determined to find a way to use your phone you have a few options that are instructive for all recorder choices:

1) You can just plug in a better microphone. You can definitely get better but the best mic will still be disappointing because the electronics in the microphone port add noise - not just the microphone.

2) You can get a device that plugs into the phone that has it's own electronics - so you plug it into the port you charge the phone and send the data that way. That's a USB microphone. But basically what you've bought is a version of my Olympus that's limited to just connecting to your phone. And the point of the phone is generally that you always have it with you.... and you won't likely have the additional recorder. One reason you *would* want to go this route is to use software on the phone to manipulate sounds real time. I haven't tried it but you can plug the Olympus into phones to act as this so again it's the better choice most likely. 

3) Amplify the sound going to the microphone - now you get into shotgun mics and parabolic mics.

A shotgun mic is a somewhat long tube that really tries to only get sound from the direction you are pointing it. The down sides are that it doesn't work fantastic based on samples I've heard, it's a huge thing to carry around, it's not likely to be cheap. A parabolic mic is very much like a satellite dish. It reflects all the sound coming from one direction into the center where you put a mic. My general impression is that shotgun mics help but they aren't amazing - plus you're carrying around a 2nd large thing - plus if you buy instead of build it will be expensive. I tried playing around with parabolic mics by just getting a golf umbrella as the dish and taping my phone in the right spot. It definitely did increase the volume of an aquarium across the house... but it was a heck of a lot to carry around, especially in a forest. And the Olympus just sounds better again.


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