Prof. Todd Averett

Experimental Nuclear Physics

Jefferson Lab Polarized Target

This figure shows one of our target cells in the polarized target system at Jefferson Lab. The long glass chamber at the top is where the electron beam scatters from polarized 3He to study the spin structure of the neutron.

Powerful Infrared Laser

This is a picture of the 200 W infrared light in my optical system at William & Mary. This high power laser is used to create a gas of polarized 3He nuclei.

William&Mary Polarized Target System

Pictures of Averett's lab at William & Mary showing the polarized target system including Helmholtz coils (green) to produce a magnetic field. At the center we place the oven containing the 3He cell.

Polarized 3He cell

A photo of the upper spherical part of a polarized 3He target cell mounted in a Teflon oven at William & Mary. Lasers are absorbed by alkali-metal vapor gas which then transfer their polarization to the surrounding 3He gas.