Advocates of Vehicles Expensive and New

CALL 0449806367

Advocates of Vehicles Expensive and New.........

  • is here to fight for all owners of cars purchased brand new from the retailer that have failed
  • is a leading advocate for car owners against car dealerships and manufacturers
  • will provide you with a way to have your rights protected and inform you of your rights under law
  • is known for getting the job done and being a winning advocate for you
  • will treat you with full respect and keep your matter strictly confidential

Have you purchased a brand new car from a dealership that is under 10 years old and found that it has failed or broken down? Chances are they don't wan't to know about it or won't help you, let alone cover the expensive cost to fix it. And the costs can run into the thousands and even ten's of thousands depending on what brand of car it is and what has gone wrong with it.

Buying a new car is expensive and the last thing you expect is for it to break down. But it is a common occurrence and car retailers usually will try and get rid of you at the first sign of hearing your story. They will try and use bullying tactics to make you feel like it is your fault and that they are not responsible. They know that for you to engage a lawyer is extremely costly (most lawyers charge over $1000 just to write up a letter) and for most people not affordable. Unfortunately, most car owners just end up paying expensive costs to fix what is legally their right to have repaired, replaced or in extreme failures be given a refund by the car retailer. This can leave you feeling helpless and can cause significant stress in your life.

Don't let this happen to you! Don't be a victim of your car dealership! Take action, make a stand and let Advocates of Vehicles Expensive and New fight on your behalf to have your legal rights protected. Car retailers hate us because they know we will get an outcome for our clients in the majority of times based on laws protecting our clients. When you engage us, we will give you a clear and comprehensive blue print of just how you can fight back and have your rights protected under law. We will correspond with the car retailer on your behalf and provide you with the best information to get the outcome you deserve. We will be there every step of the way from initial correspondence right through to advocating for you at an Australian Tribunal or Court of Law should you decide to have your rights protected through this path.

Our fees:

Our fee structure is simple. When you decide to engage us all you pay is $249 (inclusive of gst) which covers all correspondence with you and the car retailer. This includes but is not limited to letters, emails, phone, video and face to face communication.

Should you decide to take the matter to an Australian Tribunal all application costs are paid for by yourself. This can range from anywhere between $50 to $350 in most cases. We can appear on your behalf in this forum or give you information on how to best represent yourself. Our fees for appearing at an Australian Tribunal are $450 (inclusive of gst) per day plus any travel costs. Costs associated with taking your matter to the tribunal (application form filing and representation) are seeked for you should the Tribunal rule in your favour and there is a good chance you will recover these costs if this is the outcome. However, in the majority of times the matter will not get to this point as car retailers know they will lose and have to pay more to cover your expenses.

To have your case assessed and to see if we can assist you need to:

  • Call us on 0449806367 (8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday)
  • Email us on (when emailing please provide the following details: 1. Your name 2. Your contact number 3. Your car make, model and year of purchase 4. How many kms it has travelled 5. Where it was purchased and the name of the Dealership 6. A full description of what has gone wrong)

Let us be your Champion.....your Supporter.....your Advocate and fight back against your car retailer!