
AutoSaveMIDI is a free computer application that

automatically records ALL your playing as separate MIDI files,

split by your own intervals of pause between takes

Never miss again a moment of inspiration because you forgot to click the REC button

DOWNLOAD: AutoSaveMIDI version 1.02 | installation file for windows computers

A version for MACs will be available soon


AutoSaveMIDI is a simple program that is designed to continuously monitor and memorize all the MIDI messages that arrive at your computer; everytime there is a silent interval of a chosen number of seconds without any input MIDI message, the program assumes that as a pause in your playing and automatically saves all the previous music notes in a date- and time-stamped MIDI file (one 'take') and gets ready to start recording your next take; if the duration of a given take is shorter than a chosen number of seconds, the program discards those MIDI messages and does not save that take.

Operating AutoSaveMIDI is simple: select the MIDI device that is your MIDI INPUT port (or a combination of up to 3 inputs if you use separate MIDI devices for pedaling or CC controls), choose how many seconds of midi silence you want to designate as your interval SPLIT between takes, choose the MINIMAL LENGTH a take will need to be saved to file, choose the location of the AUTOSAVE FOLDER where to hold all your recordings in your computer, and choose the amount of silent AUDIO PADDING to add to the beginning and/or to the end of the recording (to make the recording less abrupt and allow for natural sound decay). You may also define SUFFIXES to add to the end of your midi filenames, to identify the VSTs or devices used in specific recordings. Finally, you may also specify if the program should start minimized and already pre-triggered to record and if you want to show or hide the incoming MIDI messages. Everytime you start a recording session, these configurations are saved to memory and kept between sessions.

When you are ready to play, just press the large START AUTOSAVE button, and the program will wait for your playing to start recording. The status of the program (IDLE / RECORDING) and if the file was saved or discarded, will be shown at the bottom of the interface. At the end of your practice session, you can stop the saving process or simply leave it always on... Remember: if you are not playing, the program is not saving...


This is a free software created by an amateur programmer to serve amateur musicians: it may crash and it may cause you to loose your precious unrepeatable moments of musical inspiration... I will not take responsibility in case that happens, so use AutoSaveMIDI at your own risk. You have been warned... Hopefully, you will enjoy it and find it helpful.

This software uses open source MIDI libraries that don't have the optimized performance of a dedicated DAW. AutoSaveMIDI is intended to act as an always active sketchpad, and not as a recording application for professional use.

And just in case and as a good habit, check the install application through your antivirus of choice before installation. This is a free application developed by an amateur that does not carry an expensive "extended validation certificate" and does not have the thousands of installations that Windows10 requires to establish a reputation of safe software; for that reason it may raise alerts in Windows SmartScreen or even be false positively flagged as malware; if that happens, let me know which antivirus engine raised the suspicion so that I can report that as false positive to the antivirus company, and do not proceed with the installation if unsure of how legit is AutoSaveMidi.


Say Hi, report bugs, or suggest improvements to:

or send me a PM at the forum (tagname: vagfilm).