I have two domains mydomain.net and mydomain.ca

I was testing my Usermin stuff using mydomain.ca but viewing the cron job for mydomain.net

 It just happened that the creation time of my Auto-clearing setups were just minutes apart. 

In fact the cron job ran when it was supposed to and the manual run wasn't working because I was looking at the wrong mail folder.

Final result: The Auto-clearing works fine. It uses a cron job /home/domain/homes/user/.usermin/mailbox/auto.pl which is set up to run once an hour.

Strange, I do not have an auto.pl file in this mail folder. I have cron jobs and this file in a couple of other folders, but not the one I created the auto clearing for. Maybe thats why its not working, but then it asks the question why it was not created.


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The specific cron job I am referring to is in my main server (root) account, not the individual domain account. Are you checking there? I don't see it if I don't log in as root.


user@domain.net------------- Yes--------------/home/DomainFolder/homes/user/.usermin/mailbox/auto.pl

You could try and set up a new one and see if the entry gets added

Yes I am logged in as root so I can see all cron jobs, and there are two referring to that file auto.pl but for other users. The user in question does not have that file nor has a cron job for it, even though I created auto-clearing for them :(

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Od 1 wrzenia 2018 r. wszystkie nowe pojazdy wprowadzane do obrotu w Unii Europejskiej musz by badane i homologowane zgodnie z procedur WLTP okrelon w rozporzdzeniu Komisji (UE) 2017/1151. Prezentowane dane dotyczce wartoci zuycia paliwa/energii i emisji CO2 s danymi zgodnymi ze wiadectwem homologacji typu wyznaczonymi zgodnie z procedur WLTP. Wicej informacji na temat WLTP na stronie: -auto.pl/swiat-skody/wltp. Dane na podstawie wiadectw homologacji typu. Monta akcesoriw w pojedzie moe mie wpyw na poziom zuycia paliwa/energii, emisj CO2 lub zasig oraz moe nastpi najwczeniej po pierwszej rejestracji pojazdu, wycznie na Pastwa yczenie. Dane na podstawie wiadectw homologacji typu. 2351a5e196

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