CAD blocks are named groups of objects that act as a single 2D or 3D object. You can use them to create repeated content, such as drawing symbols, common components, and standard details. Blocks help you save time, maintain consistency, and reduce file size, since you can reuse and share content.

You can find some symbols in the sample files that come with AutoCAD. Navigate to the DesignCenter folder, where you'll see a variety of sample drawings, each containing a set of related block definitions.

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Here's a scenario: you create a drawing, say, with IEC symbol libraries, put symbols in it and save it. You then send it to a colleague who works with ANSI or GOST libraries. Is he then able to open and edit the drawing, and does he need the IEC symbol library to open it or does he only need it to add in more IEC symbols if required? Basically what I'm trying to get at is if you work across different regions, are you required to have all libraries installed to view/edit drawings or not.

I'm also wondering about creation of a custom symbol library (say for our company), and again how this would be affected for everyone (i.e. would everyone need an up-to-date copy of the library on their system).

A final part of the question to follow on from that - in relation to any answer to the above, how exactly does ACADE reference symbols etc., is it stored in the .wdp project file, in each individual .DWG...?

Every standard (IEC / JIC / NFPA etc) have a DAT file which helps to pick the right symbol from library folders. When you create a project, you specfy the symbol libraries dependending upon standard you select in project properties along with DAT file to be used for symbol insertion use.

Final quick question before I accept the solution - you're saying there's an in product feature. Is this the Icon Menu Wizard, then selecting the relevant .DAT and then adding the symbols in here using the toolbar at the top right of the popup window?

Icon menu wizard it is ! This is something which (i believe) is simpler way to integrate custom symbols in Icon Menu. Ofcourse if you very familier with symbol naming, then there is a browse button in Icon menu that also helps to insert a symbol in drawing. Some advanced user use editing of DAT files & customizing for their own made symbol use.

In short, if you are heavily going to create custom symbols or want to make a custom symbol library, you can consolidate your own category / combine with existing category etc. AutoCAD Electrical expects to have proper inclusion of paths in project properties / DAT files & correct use of standards which by which you can make use of custom symbols. Usually users will master the consolidation of symbol handling as they start working on it. Recommend to go through DAT file (it is a text file and can be opened on notepad / notepad++) to get a better understanding of mapping and use of symbols.

I am suggesting to have a look at the AutoCAD Electrical Demo set properties for understanding the mapping of standards libraries, inclusion of DAT files in project properties etc to have a general idea. This broadly will give you how you can work integrate the custom symbols & their paths etc to make use in the project.

I started a new job recently and found out my new company has almost no documentation on the panels they've built (they're all used in house). I'm new to AutoCAD and I'm finding the symbol library that comes stock to be very limited. I'm spending tons of time creating new symbols for things like motor drives, 3 wire limit switches, etc. Is there anywhere to download a more robust library, or are these not typically shared?

Would be very useful if admin can setup the folder for extracted symbols. The default is C:\SketchSymbol and we couldn't change it! How can we place this folder in network for all users? Is there a way to do that? Thank you.

Would be spectacular if it didn't crash every time I try to insert a symbol into a drawing.Also doesn't seem to want to take any direction on what symbols to extract from other drawings. I tried to use our cut detail drawing and it pulled the same ones out of it as it did from a brand new drawing.

You're facing a daunting task to be sure. However, taking the long view, the work you're doing will be worth it in the end. Imagine a library of physical books... a very large one that contains books available nowhere else. Now imagine you've been given the task to SCAN each one into a computer database by hand. The purpose is that eventually you'll be able to search through the texts of those books using a computer (something not possible with a physical book). At the beginning, it seems like the process is more trouble than it's worth. But by the end, you'd look back and wonder how you ever got along without your database. You'd never be able to go back to using the library the old way. That's what you're facing with this transition to Creo Schematics.

Look at it this way... your 30,000-40,000 AutoCAD objects are never going to be any more intelligent than they are right now. They're essentially physical books in the library. By converting these to Creo Schematics, you're adding intelligence... you're adding capability... and you're building the "library of the future". You may not even be able to see the complete picture right now. You may not fully know how this intelligent library will eventually benefit your company. Creo Schematics is only gaining in power. Tools that can simulate circuits were just concepts only a few years back. Now those tools are becoming more mainstream. By developing your new library now, you're getting ahead of the game. Although it's a struggle, you'll be ahead of other companies which did not have the foresight to modernize their libraries. Your old library isn't going to be doing any fancy tricks for you... it'll just sit there for the next 20 years.

So how do you tackle such a huge job? I'd steal most of the geometry from your AutoCAD symbols to use as Creo Schematics artifacts. Start with the most common symbols first. Add in the intelligent features required by Creo Schematics. Build your datasets as you need them. But perhaps most important... train all of your people to create artifacts as they need them. If you have a team of 10 designers, that's 10 people making the artifacts they need. Have them check their work into common repository with a librarian (or "gatekeeper", data manager, etc) who verifies the new catalog submissions for completeness before uploading them to the master catalog. Many times you only need a simple artifact to create dozens of items. Datasets do much of the work of creating 'families' of components.

No doubt this is going to be a chore. But what I'm talking about is developing a workflow that includes making the necessary catalog components. For instance, what is your workflow now? Maybe you receive a sketch or markup from your Electrical Engineers, place symbols for rough space claim, route wires, fire off a check print, and await redlines from the EE's. In your new workflow, you'd receive the sketch/markup, place whatever symbols you have for space claim while identifying any missing symbols, create new artifacts for the missing symbols, route wires, fire off check print, etc.

If you make the act of creating new artifacts part of the design process, you'll quickly build up a library of the most often used items. At first, it'll be slow going... so maybe you (personally) want to build the first couple hundred or so components before you start using Creo Schematics in earnest. But then, once you make the switch, your team will rapidly begin to populate your new library. Within a few weeks, the common components will be created leaving only the rarer items to be dealt with during your normal workflow. The time you save using Creo Schematics will initially be lost as you work to populate your library. But within a few months at most you should begin to see positive gains. Your designers will be able to work more efficiently. Modifications to designs will come about more easily. And ultimately even if you don't see any productivity gains initially, your wiring diagrams now have an intelligence that they did not possess before. As I said, you may not even know the dividends this intelligence will pay in the future.

When I was about 10 years old, I watched a guy eat a full-sized bicycle on a TV show called That's Incredible. Ever since then, old jokes like "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!" seem less funny and more like wise business advice. While recreating a large library seems impossible at the outset, if you hit the high points first, leverage your team, and methodically continue making progress, you'll see it's actually not so bad.

the only thing I would add is that you have an opportunity to re-think your workflow and design process to capitalise on the strengths of Creo schematics. 40,000 symols is a LARGE library to generate and maintain, even if you have the starting geometry from AutoCAD. I would re-iterate Jim's point:do you need 40,000 symbols, do you use all of these symbols? Do you want to take this opportunity to adopt an industry standard for graphical symbols such as IEEE315:1975 or ISO60617?

We have tranisitioned libraries from AutoCAD to Creo schematics for customers, but in practice it comes down to the relative grid sizes used in each system and how much manipulation of the geometry is required. The imported symbols will have to be scaled to ensure the interconnect points sit on the connection grid and then ports (Creo Schematics connectivity artifacts) will have to be added to the symbol shapes. This is going to take a bit of time for 40,000 symbols.

Although we do have a decent size AutoCAD block library this is not the database I was referring to. Our component library is a collection of part numbers that are assigned to the purchased components we've used and continue to use, some more than others of course, over the years. Each number contains metadata describing the component it represents (mfg or alt vendors, mfg part no., long descr, short descr,, etc). It also gives us a place to upload the datasheets to. ff782bc1db pan download

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