So I bought a 3TB external hard drive to back up all of my .dwg files so I could clear up space on my office computer. I have external reference images in the folders I created to attach to my .dwg files and when I open the folders on my external hard drive they are all that is showing up. None of my .dwg files are showing up. Does anyone know why this is? Basically all of the .dwg files I saved on the external hard drive are gone. Could use some help here. About to hit panic mode but I am hopeful someone out there can help!

Are there still your files (in your external hard drive)? If not, that means your drive is fake. Also, try to put them in another hard drive. If you can open them from it, that means the first hard drive you spoke about is fake too.

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I tried to make my question as clear as I could. I transferred my .dwg files to the external hard drive from my office desktop computer. No I cannot see them in the location I put them. I did not put them in the wrong place as I created a file on the external hard drive specifically for these drawings. The hard drive is brand new out of the box so there was nothing else on it. No I moved the files from my internal drive to the external, which you dont have to tell me was a mistake. Always back up your backups! Make sense?

If you are absolutely sure that you have the folder options set to display all files and have searched the entire drive to make sure they didn't end up at some other location, you are probably out of luck.

Thats understandable but that isn't my issue. The .dwg files arent showing up in explorer so they simply arent there. Just seems weird that I can transfer any file to my external hard drive accept for .dwg files.

Here is something I did not mention that maybe will better explain my situation. I did not actually "move" the files to the external hard drive. I did a complete "backup" of my desktop hard drive onto the external hard drive. Would that make any difference? I can move the files from my desktop to the external hard drive and they appear just fine. The biggest issue is I have since formatted my desktop hard drive to clear up space for future projects so the original files are completely gone. I think I am SOL.

There's a lot more to installing programs than where the files are located. For what it's worth I'd recommend switching up your thinking. Clean up the high performance SSD so there's enough room for the important programs like AutoCAD; you want them on the best performing drive. Move everything else, including temp/junk/etc. to the other drive.

I use Autodesk inventor (sorry if this is unrelated to the topic), and realized the hard way that Autodesk softwares will attempt to install majority of its files on the C drive no matter which path you choose during installation. Inventor users apparently face this problem more frequently because it takes up more than 3x times more space as Autocad. I was told, much like everyone else here that the only way around it is to make space on C drive. What turned out to be a real bummer was when I had to install Autocad on my PC for work purposes too. Having both Autocad and Inventor on the C drive is practically hogging up the whole drive.

I downloaded my software on to my desktop C: drive. This drive is not part of our auto back up system. I also need to access the software from other computers in my facility (conference room for example). How can I move this to the drive on my computer that is accessible from other computers as well as being backed up.

Or is your question about installing AutoCAD on an external harddisk and plugin this harddisk on different workstations and run AutoCAD from that drive? In short words: this option is not available (reason: AutoCAD has to install a lot of things in the system folder, in the programs/shared folders, ... and that can't be avoided).

my drives are partiitioned and the C drive is crowded therefore i cant install it there so i select install onto the D drive and it just refuses for me to do so and says C drive is full despite selecting D drive. WHY

we have a newly bought laptop. and my colleague is planning to install an Autocad but the laptop has 128 GB SSD only with (73GB fee space still no MS office installed) and 2TB drive D:, does anyone here tried installing autocad on drive D with no issue?? can you post an instruction on how to do it?? we are using windows 10 OS

do you think a laptop with 128GB SSD and 2TB additional drive will survive for long with autocad? because i'm afraid that microsoft office and also antivirus will accumulate the free space of 128GB SSD

I tend to clean up my junk but others dont so looking at doing it for them. we have our temp drive set to C:drive i wnat to delete all *.log *.ac$ and *.DWL etransmit etc will leave baks for now in future delete by date.

hard pathing is not dictated by my company, they prefer soft pathing. our IT dept. does keep the drive letters flexible so server migration issues are transparent to the users. if i had to worry about such issues, then softpathing or a routine to go thru all files would be required.

If you move your ProStructureMaterial.mdb file into network directory you need to edit the directory path in the Main Configuration file. Be sure to remove the one that is installed with the program from your local drive. (C:\ProgramData\Bentley\ProStructures\V8i_S7\PowerProduct\WorkSpace\ProStructures\Localised\USA_Canada)

Design your system faster with access to valuable drive information including 3D Building Information Modeling (BIM) files for VLT HVAC Drive FC 102. You can fully document your installation in AutoCAD Revit, to reduce the risk of errors, and save time on system design.

Various CAD Users have different mapped drive letters (Ex: H:\ or S:\ instead of G:).Trying to avoid going around and manually changing the drive letter to match their mapping every time I updated the CUIX file (since path would be overwritten).Would like to use the universal Google Share Drive web based link (by selecting the file and choose "get link" in Google Drive and copy the link).

1.) start using AutoCAD profiles. It's possible write a setup script to create the profile for the user. This profile would contain a support file path entry for the location of your LISP code. The path would vary depending on where the user has google drive mapped to.

2.) load all LISP from the profile when AutoCAD starts up, this can be done with the acaddoc.lsp file.

3.) remove all hard-coded load statements from the CUI buttons

We have a customer recently calling in with the issue that their AutoCAD do not want to save on the c -drive and give the following error message. And could save to any other location successfully. He could also save to the c -drive using MS Word or Excel.

So, although blanket restrictions is a good preventative method you might need to relax it to have AutoCAD be able to save to the c drive, in this case. Alternatively, you can simply save to another folder or directory instead of the c drive root.

Solid State Drives (SSD) technology may be the best choice when looking for an ideal storage configuration for your AutoCAD Workstation. The SSD is not only quick, but it also guarantees fast boot time and responsive workflows. Also, the high speed of SSDs enables your system to boot, launch applications, and load files much faster than any standard hard drive. Importantly, the SSD technology offers an ideal and safe place to install your applications, operating system, and active project files.

Thanks to their speed and relatively affordable price, we strongly recommend solid-state drives (SSDs) for the primary drive that will host your OS and the installation of AutoCAD itself. The high speed of SSDs allows your system to boot, launch applications, and load files many times faster than any traditional hard drive. In particular, the newer NVMe type of SSDs utilize the latest connections like M.2 and offer the fastest transfer rates.

If your budget allows, it is also a very good idea to have a second SSD that can be used to store your active projects to further decrease load and save times. We highly recommend using an OS drive with a capacity of least 500GB to ensure you do not need to upgrade your primary drive (which is often a complicated process) in the near future.

Since SSDs are still more expensive than platter drives per GB, for long term storage and backup we recommend using a traditional hard drive or even an external drive array. Network attached storage systems are a great way to go for that, as they can be shared between multiple workstations and usually offer features to provide some level of data redundancy (protection against losing files if one of the drives dies).

I don't think you understand. The *.tmp files are created and saved to my Dropbox folder because Autocad was 'unable' to save the original file, which is on Dropbox, in the first place. A .tmp file is created and stored to Dropbox when this happens. Usually, but not always, after the second save attempt, the file saves to Dropbox. I stress, not always because sometimes, I have to try to save 3 or 4 times before it actually saves the original file. In the mean time, after each failed attempt, a .tmp file is created and stored in my Dropbox Folder. Autocad doesn't have this problem saving my files anywhere else. Take for example, if I work on a file that is stored on my Hard Drive or on our Company Network, Autocad never, I repeat, never has a problem saving the file, never gives me an 'unable to save' error message, and never creates a .tmp file because it was unable to save the original. On the other hand, working on a file or files that are stored in my Dropbox Folder, numerous times throughout the day, after trying to save the file or files, I get this error message. And since Autocad couldn't save the file to my Dropbox Folder, a .tmp file is created and stored to Dropbox. So why would you consider this an AutoDesk (the maker of Autocad) problem? Isn't Dropbox supposed to be an extension or similar to an external hard drive? In the mean time, my Dropbox Folder is filling up with these .tmp files which I have to manually delete at the end of the day. The only solution I have to remedy this situation is to work on the file locally, then save it to my Dropbox Folder at the end of the day. But that doesn't do much good when I make numerous changes to the drawing throughout the day, yet the other 6 trades I'm collaborating with don't see those changes till the end of the day. I guess it's the best I can ask for until a real solution to this problem can be discovered. But I doubt Autodesk will have the answer. This, I can almost certainly say, is a Dropbox problem. Here's another example, from software that is not created by Autodesk. Cadpipe is software that I use to draw 3D Piping Systems for large buildings. Cadpipe uses a Database that it loads at startup for it's pipe dimensions, fitting dimensions, what type of material the pipe is made of, such as copper, cast iron, pvc, etc. This Database is critical for Cadpipe to properly work. The Database File I point Cadpipe to load through it's .ini file is stored on Dropbox. Cadpipe can never load this critical database file directly from Dropbox. It gives me an error also. Yet I'm looking at the file right now. It's there. The only way I can get Cadpipe to load this database file is to copy it from my Dropbox Job Folder over to a folder on my local Hard Drive or my Company Network Job Folder and load it from there. The Problem with this is, when I work at home, I don't have access to my Company Network, forcing me to save the file locally at home also just so Cadpipe can properly work. Are you going to blame this one on Cadpipe? As with a lot of software companies I've dealt with over the years, when I point out a bug or flaw, it never seems to be their problem, it's always the other guys problem so it never gets looked into, therefore, never fixed. We shall see if I have these same problems if I were to start using Box.Com or, or Google Drive, Sky Drive, or Team Drive or any of the numerous other alternatives that are out there. ff782bc1db

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