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I am working with the organization where i have asked to create an automation on smarsheet:- Task is Manager's Name should get auto populate in a column from the database directly on selecting User Name in other column. (contact Column)

When you mean populate the name of the manager? Is the name going to be based off of the email address in the Contact column? If so, I found these community posts on accomplishing what you are trying to do!

Let me know if you have questions or I misunderstood your question. Provide additional details to assist you! You may also share screenshots of what your setup looks like (please block out any sensitive data)

I tried to create a column chart with the channel as my column for the chart, but it's not in the drop down list for me to select it. I've included the channel column in my report as you can see above the chart widget tho. Any idea why is that?

Now it doesn't automatically refresh. I have to go the View menu and click Refresh after each workarea update. My coworkers don't have this problem. I do enjoy adjusting settings in my .cdsenv file, but I don't know what I would have done to cause this.

I had a quick dig around and I can't see any way to stop the auto refresh (I assume you're talking about the auto-refresh spotting new libraries which have been added to the cds.lib and it does a "DB auto refresh" message in the library manager?). Note that this auto-refresh doesn't necessarily mean that virtuoso itself can see everything...

After the SOS update, the Library Manager says "Refreshing data from disk..." and then that's where it stops. Like it's expecting to do it and just can't. When I do a View/Refresh, Library Manger says

I don't see "DB auto refresh" anywhere. The refresh I'm talking about actually refreshes my cellviews if they were updated during the SOS workarea update. So if I've got a schematic open, and that schematic has changed since I opened it, it will refresh when I hit the OK button on the "Refresh Data From Disk" GUI that automatically pops up after my update. But now that GUI is no longer automatically coming up after my updates.

I'm going to temporarily run Cadence with a default .cdsenv file and .cdsinit file to make sure it's nothing in my settings causing the problem. If that doesn't work, I'll submit the problem to my CAD team. If they can't figure it out, they'll submit a service request to Cadence.

That is functionality that is part of ClioSoft's SOS interface - the fact that it triggers a refresh (equivalent to View->Refresh) after an update. Unfortunately I just found that my local SOS licenses have expired when I was about to test this, but the best thing to do would be to contact ClioSoft's customer support about this, since it's their tool.

So, throwing caution to the wind, I deleted all the contents of my /tmp directory (I don't know if that was necessary) and logged-out of Linux. When I logged back into Linux and started Cadence, everything worked as normal.

Did you recently upgrade to a new platform release. If so, these were likely created as part of the upgrade process. From memory SQL was added to credential manager in 11.26 and later. At the time of upgrade, any SQL credentials that existed would have been automatically converted to use credential manager. These credentials could be tied to any of these: SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Database Managed Instance, and Amazon RDS for SQL Server.

Hi Miya, thanks for letting us know. Are you getting an error or is it just not happening upon attempt? Is this activated? May I ask what browser you are on?

Screenshot 2023-11-08 at 1.04.39 PM1380742 45.5 KB

A test that you can do to check whether your browser extension is still stuck with Auto-fill v2 is to create a new vault entry with dummy values for the username and password, for the URL , then try to auto-fill on that login page. If auto-fill works on , then your browser extension is still using Auto-fill v2 (and that is the reason why auto-fill is not working for you on Schwab and other websites).

**PS - plase some admin/moderator to help remove restrictions on writing and uploading images. I cannot help if I am not able to do it. Or @grb suggest other platform to communicate each other in the future.

@skywalker Another platform for community support is, although I personally prefer this community forum because it is a lot more convenient to share screenshots here. If you are still struggling with platform restrictions, you could try direct messaging me to check if that allows you to bypass some of the restrictions.

Your missing context menu is a completely separate issue from the Auto-fill V2 issues that are the topic of this thread, so you should start a separate thread to discuss the context menu problem. Starting a separate topic would also help determine if anybody else is experiencing the same issue.

When you finished creating a new Sheet Set in the SSM, it would then immediately open the new Sheet Set in the SSM. (a few seats of ACA 2012 were in use in the office) In ACA2011, it didn't do this. You had to browse for the newly created .dst file to open it. (I was using ACA 2011 at the same time as those others were using ACA 2012).

Ha! You know, I read the help entries for those variables. From what it reads (see below) it sounds like it only affects whether or not the associated sheet set would open when a drawing already in a sheet set is opened in AutoCad. So I didn't even bother messing with it. (my SSMAUTOOPEN was set to zero) However, that worked!

I have the same issue from time to time with different sheet sets. Both of my settings are set to 1, but I still have some sheet sets that do not open when one of the drawings in the set is opened. The sheet set does open with other sets when their respective drawings are opened. As an example, I was working with a set of drawings yesterday and the sheet set opened when I opened the first drawing. Today however, the very same set does not open when I open the drawing. Nothing changed as far as I know, so how does this happen? How do I re-associate the drawings and sheet set so that it opens automatically when the drawings are opened?

I cannot get into any of the 1IM tools, Designer, Launchpad e.t.c. When I start for instance Launchpad , I get Auto Update prompt "The are updates for your application...". I click Yes then the automatic system updates appear to run ( I have to shut the Launchpad process). After the updates are complete nothing happens, though in the past (in different installation) I have seen that Launchpad finishes launching. In my case, since nothing happens, if I launch Launchpad again the same update prompt appears and the cycle repeats.

On looking closer in the update.log, somewhere near the bottom a rollback is invoked for some reason as shown below so I don't think the update is not completing. I think that the "Access to the path is denied." error is only indicating the rollback is encountering an error in restoring the file listed.

I Copying 'WI.WebDesigner.Plugin.dll'...

I Copying 'XPExplorerBar.dll'...

I Copying 'AccountBasedUserAuthenticator.resources.dll'...

E Executing rollback...

W Restoring 'XPExplorerBar.dll'

W Restoring 'WI.WebDesigner.Plugin.dll'

W Restoring 'WebDesigner.UIHelpers.dll'

Verizon App Manager just auto-install an app on my phone out of no where, without asking me or getting my permission. Some Royal Match app. I saw a "notification" from Verizon App Manager explicitly saying this. I'm the only one at my home, and there is NO possibility that someone else used my phone and manually downloaded it, it was 100% Verizon App Manager.

Does Verizon just auto-install new apps without user consent and take up storage. I mean I suppose if the app maker pays Verizon to generate "downloads" it makes sense that Verizon chooses $$$ over customer experience.

This situation has been brought up MANY times by the Community and Verizon tries to push it off as user issues when it's clearly intentional as a policy choice by Verizon to push these apps on to their subscribers (and won't respond with clear instructions on disabling Verizon App Manager) for revenue generation purposes. It's a trashy way to handle this; or typical Verizon business decisions that elevate profit over customer experience. 152ee80cbc

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