Important: Only certain devices and carriers support recording calls. This feature isn't available on Pixel. Some laws require all people on the call to consent to being recorded. Before the call begins, call participants are notified that the call is recorded.

To protect the privacy of all users, when you start recording, both parties are notified with a disclosure that the call is being recorded. When you stop recording, both parties are notified with a disclosure that the call is no longer being recorded.

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I think automatic recording would be useful when calling a contact from Hubspot, some times the manual option is missed when dialling somebody back for example. Always useful to be able to listen back and would be even better if it logged the call with the recording automatically. Thoughts?

Absolutely.We are not started to record any calls, as we are in the process to set up the team, however I can imagine that our team members will have dificultsometimes to remember about to presing the buton for recordings

Absolutely necessary! With too many things we need to do while on a call, I'd prefer the call recording automated so we don't have to worry about missing to press the button. I hope HS Team can look into it. Thanks!

If you're using AirCall (for example) integrated with Hubspot, Aircall automatically saves all calls in your stats. Therefore, it is incomprehensible that using Hubspot integrated with a Twillio number (for example) does not automatically record calls. It seems more like a legal problem than a technical one, but why do clients have to deal with this problem? Please resolve urgently, we can't wait any longer.

I have the same problem. In a Call Center platform we always have de posibility to record automatically all call without human intervention and also the ability to whisper the call (the supervisor can whisper to the sales rep during a conversation and the client dont ear that).

It is unpresentable that Hubspot still does not allow this functionality considering that it is a CRM tool that works seamlessly with call providers.

Hubspot does not have to assume that all countries have legal restrictions that the client must accept the recording. What's more, it's totally the other way around, in most countries it is recorded automatically to protect the consumer from fraudulent sales or ill-treatment, the supervisory institutions require calls to be recorded by law.

Hubspot should enable this possibility, legally leaving the responsibility of recording or not recording the call automatically in the hands of the sales person, through a popup message reminding them that they must notify the client that the call will be recorded with a button that does record and another that does not record. , but the fact of raising the message is already a great help to prevent them from forgetting to press the record button, it forces them to make the decision.

We have automatic call recording for all of our sites with our own IVR greeting message that includes a disclaimer that the calls are being recorded. The problem is that when a customer calls in and selects from the IVR,after hearing the disclaimer, there is another automatic Zoom call recording notification that starts to play when the company employee answers. Is there a way to remove this since we have our own disclaimer? I understand its a legal issue but as long as the caller is notified that the call is being recorded everyone is conforming to that law. Any guidance is appreciated. We have many of our company sites complaining about this.

Thanks but that doesn't fix the issue. I have read that KB back and forth for weeks none of those options remove the notification.The recording notification still still plays when the inbound call is answered.

Looking at settings, with call queue's have their own recordings configurations, while AR's use the site and account level settings. Are you sure you are disabling the zoom call recording notice at both the Site and Account level?

Thanks again for the response. Yes it is disabled on both. Used the Chat Bot and got a human to assist and they stated it cant be removed if automatic call recording is enabled. Not sure why Zoom requires this as the liability is on our business. Never heard of a carrier getting sued over a non disclosed audio recording but I guess it has happened.

The content explains how to enable automatic call recording for different aspects of a business, such as the main line, departments, coaching teams, contact centers, and the entire office. Admins can turn on call recording at the office level and for shared lines. The process involves accessing the Admin Settings on and navigating to the desired settings. Users can choose which calls to automatically record and whether to include screen recording. There is also an option to create an exemption list and a call recording greeting. Operators and agents assigned to a shared line with call recording will be notified that the call is being recorded. They may also have the ability to pause and resume the recording during the call.

I have had a read and it appears to be saying I cannot enable mandatory recording at a tenant level for all users without the use of an external recording bot. Can anyone confirm I am correct on this?

@Matt Cox Hello, no worries. Let me catch up on the info for the policy-based recording and get back to this conversation when I know more about it. Could take some time though so perhaps another member with more info will reply in the meantime.

I do recall a setting for this being available as a meeting option, but can't seem to find the info now. Perhaps being withdrawn. @Steven Collier is in the know and could possibly assist with your question Matt.

Can't say what happened to the info I saw before about an eventual meeting option. There's nothing in Message center and nothing in the roadmap either. Could it be a privacy thing perhaps as you at some places legally need to get everyone's permission before you can record them? But that goes for the former option as well so I haven't go a clue to be honest.

Compliance recording is a solution for organisations that have a legal requirement to retain conversations. Microsoft provide an interface that allows third parties like Verint, Smarsh etc. to retrieve a recording of all calls and meetings for designated users. It would be nice for Microsoft to have this kind of call retention system, but they don't, and I think the logic is that most customers with this requirements will already have a preferred platform.

Teams recording is something for the owner of a meeting, they are stored in that users OneDrive or the Team (for channel meetings). It wouldn't be appropriate for retention, as it's not stored somewhere more useful.

We do have a call recording system for our main IP phone system however I had hoped not to have to integrate that into Teams, we use Redbox which is listed as a provider that's looking to have that sort of integration so perhaps a conversation to be had there!

Our need, although compliance is one of them, is more focused on training, development and meeting recall. Currently, we review calls and meetings to improve the quality of service and to train new starters. Having to reply on the end-users to remember to record everything is a pain but hopefully the weight of option across UserVoice and other platforms will see this addressed. I'd even be happy with it just auto-recording into the user's stream or onedrive as it does now, just with the default globally set to record rather than not!.

@Steven Collier Thanks for your input. Whatever happened to the "automatic meeting recording toggle" you once posted in another conversation? It was something you saw in Message center. Surely withdrawn as there's no info at all about it?

@ChristianBergstrom There was something wasn't there, the idea was that the meeting organiser could define up front that a meeting should be recorded, then didn't have to remember. I haven't seen any word about that more recently, maybe its queued up after the transition from Stream to SharePoint.

Zultys On-Demand call recording allows a user to selectively record a specific call. When the user selects to record a call, the call recording is saved from the beginning of the call. Automatic call recording allows for all calls for a particular user to be recorded.

They would like to use the Auto record for all users, but they have some staff who take phone payments, thus they need to be able to pause call recording for GDPR, however with the new APP this does not seem to be available, when you try to hit record whilst on a call, the app just comes up with an error??

I was just told by RC support today that auto call recording pausing isn't available on the new app. You need to be using the RC Phone in order to pause auto call recordings. Seems silly to me, as we also need to pause for GDPR and PCI compliance we can't be recording customer credit card info. It's honestly about the only thing that is stopping us from moving to the new app.

Hi, I was SO pleased to see GrapheneOS now includes a call recorder. I can finally get rid of horrible spammy call recorder apps! It took me months, testing over 12 of them, to find one that worked (CubeACR) and it recorded all calls automatically except friends and family. It was great, functionally speaking, but I never liked having it on my phone, but it's essential I record calls.

Graphene's recorder is superior in sound quality, and works via speaker or bluetooth which NO other app I have tried does! It's fantastic. There is one way to make it a smidgen better, that's to record calls automatically. Is there any plan to make this possible at any point? 152ee80cbc

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