Authentic Experiences

Reviving Rituals, Embracing Connections: Bringing Soul and Depth to Your Every Event. 


Immerse yourself in transformative experiences that enhance connections, whether with cherished loved ones or within a community of strangers. Our offerings include:

Soulful Traditions

Coming soon!

Embark on a transformative journey with our meticulously crafted experiences, designed to revive the timeless essence of traditions. Explore the depth of meaningful celebrations with our curated events:

Each experience is an artful blend of tradition and innovation, curated to redefine rituals. Join us as we rekindle the magic of traditions, infusing them with depth and meaning to create lasting memories that transcend time.


At Authentic Experiences, our mission is to curate transformative experiences that empower individuals to connect with themselves and others on a profound level. We strive to create environments where people walk away feeling vibrant and alive, having forged genuine connections that transcend surface interactions.


Our vision at Authentic Experiences is to contribute significantly to the reduction of loneliness and improvement of mental health on a global scale. We envision a world where individuals, having experienced the depth of meaningful connections, find greater fulfillment, resilience, and well-being. Through our endeavors, we aspire to foster communities that prioritize authentic human connections as a key to vibrant and mentally healthy living.

About & Why

Hey y'all my name is Nat! I currently reside in Montana but and from Massachusetts (I do still carry some Mass hole attitude and a passion for chowdah). Traditional gatherings never quite resonated with me; baby showers, bachelorettes, and Christmas parties left me feeling disconnected and yearning for a more meaningful celebration.

Witnessing the stress and fleeting memories, often drowned in alcohol, I knew there had to be a different way to honor these moments. Frustration grew as I found myself in surface-level conversations, sensing the unspoken beneath the facade. That's when it hit me—I'm not one for superficial interactions. I crave depth, the uncharted territories that lie beneath the surface.

My journey led me to the healing arts, where I forged profound connections with others and, more importantly, with myself. Transforming my relationship with alcohol and establishing boundaries around events that didn't align with my soul became pivotal. It's not about lack of support; rather, my support takes a different, more soul-aligned form.

Driven by a desire to create authentic experiences, I aim to guide people towards their depths and foster genuine connections. My mission is rooted in a passion to combat the rising tide of loneliness and contribute to the well-being of mental health. Together, let's embark on a journey of authentic connections, transcending the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary depths within ourselves and others.