Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world, and home to the world's oldest continuing culture. We have a highly skilled workforce and a proud history of democracy and stable government.

In 2008, the Australian Parliament passed a motion of Apology to Indigenous Australians for past mistreatment and injustices, especially the Stolen Generations, who were Indigenous children forcibly removed from their families. National Sorry Day is held every year on 26 May to remember and acknowledge this mistreatment. In July each year, NAIDOC Week celebrations mark the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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We take our international responsibilities seriously and work closely with other countries to promote peace and security. Since 1947, over 65,000 Australians have served in more than 50 peace and security operations around the world.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to assist countries in the Indo-Pacific to access safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines. For example, our regional vaccine program ensures that Pacific countries achieve full COVID-19 vaccine coverage.

Over 30 per cent of the Australian resident population were born overseas. While English is the national language, more than 300 languages are spoken in Australian homes. The top five (excluding English) are Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese, and Italian.

Australia in Brief provides an authoritative overview of Australia's history, the land, its people and their way of life. It also looks at Australia's economic, scientific and cultural achievements and its foreign, trade and defence policies.

The Australian Constitution of 1901 established a federal system of government, based on the British (Westminster) tradition of government. Powers are distributed between a national government (the Commonwealth) and the six states (New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia). The Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory have self-government arrangements.

The COVID-19 pandemic had a dramatic effect on the Australian economy and society. But compared to our major trading partners, Australia has shown great resilience, underwritten by significant government support and ongoing demand for our mining exports.

In 2018-19, the mining sector accounted for 8.5 per cent of Australia's GDP and minerals and fuels accounted for 50.9 per cent of Australia's goods and services exports. Our agriculture, tourism, education, financial services and science and technology products are also in high demand.

We welcome foreign investment. It has helped build our economy by providing capital to finance new industries and enhance existing ones. Our well-regulated and transparent environment makes it easy to establish and operate a business in Australia.

The Indo-Pacific is our region and home to many of our major strategic and trading partners. Helping countries in our region overcome the health, social and economic effects of COVID-19 is a major focus of our international engagement.

We are deepening our engagement with the association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the East Asia Summit (EAS), and lead collaboration on issues such as cyber security, counter-terrorism, infrastructure development and maritime security.

Beyond our immediate region, we enjoy strong economic, security, political, social and cultural ties with the United States and Canada, and continue to build on our strong and longstanding political, cultural, trade, investment, and people-to-people links with the United Kingdom and Europe.

We work closely with other countries to promote peace and security. We have a defence and security alliance with the Unites States, long term links with New Zealand and robust defence and security ties with India, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

Innovation drives Australian enterprise, science and research sectors, as well as our response to global crises, and is a priority of the Australian Government. We have developed and implemented a National Innovation and Science Agenda that supports smart ideas to create business growth, local jobs and global success.

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) is Australia's most trusted research institution and most connected innovator working with every Australian university, government department and major Australian industry. CSIRO works in over 80 countries and is ranked in the top one per cent of world scientific institutions in 13 of 22 research fields.

We are a leading Antarctic nation, driving international efforts to preserve Antarctica as a natural reserve devoted to peace and science. We take great pride in this role, with around 80 scientists and support staff living and working on Australia's Antarctic stations during winter, with this number increasing to 200 during summer.

We have the world's largest representative network of marine protected areas (covering 37 per cent of our waters) and are responsible for managing over 17 per cent of the world's coral reefs, including the Great Barrier Reef.

Other international events are staged annually around Australia such as the gruelling Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, the Formula One Grand Prix in Melbourne, the internationally accredited Tour Down Under cycling event in South Australia, and a round of the Moto GP on Phillip Island in Victoria. The world tennis circuit begins each year with the Australian Open in Melbourne.

Football (soccer), basketball and netball are the biggest team sports in Australia. Other team sports, such as rugby league, rugby union, Australia's unique brand of Australian Rules Football and cricket are also very popular.

Australia's vibrant and diverse performing arts sector continues to captivate and grow its audiences in Australia and internationally. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performing arts companies such as Bangarra Dance Theatre, Yirra Yaarkin and Ilbijerri Theatre Company offer diverse and contemporary expressions of the world's oldest continuous culture.

Australian cultural festivals are calendar highlights nationally and internationally. Events such as the Sydney Biennale, the OzAsia Festival, Splendour in the Grass, WOMADelaide and Vivid Sydney draw large audiences from across Australia and the world.

We also offer prestigious Australia Award scholarships to emerging leaders from around the world to undertake study, research, and professional development in tertiary institutions in Australia and the region.

The stars of the Southern Cross represent Australia's geographic position in the Southern Hemisphere. The large Commonwealth star symbolises the federation of the states and territories, and the Union Jack reflects Australia's early ties to Great Britain.

Harold Thomas, a Luritja man of Central Australia, is the designer and copyright owner of the Aboriginal Flag. The colours of the flag represent the Aboriginal people of Australia, the red earth, the red ochre used in ceremonies and Aboriginal people's spiritual relation to the land, and the sun, the giver of life and protector

Australia Day is celebrated each year on 26 January to celebrate our nation, its achievements, and its people. ANZAC Day - a national day of commemoration for all Australians who have fought in conflicts - is held on 25 April. It marks the day the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) landed at Gallipoli in Turkey in 1915 during World War One.

Australia has a strong record of advancing and protecting political rights and civil liberties. Challenges to these freedoms include the threat of foreign political influence, harsh policies toward asylum seekers, discrimination against LGBT+ people, increasingly stringent checks against the press, and ongoing difficulties ensuring the equal rights of First Nations Australians.

A governor-general, appointed on the recommendation of the prime minister, represents the monarch of the United Kingdom (UK) as head of state. The powers of the monarchy are extremely limited. Retired general David Hurley was appointed governor-general in July 2019.

The bicameral legislative branch consists of a 151-member House of Representatives and 76-member Senate. Lower house members are elected through a ranked-choice ballot, and serve three-year terms. Senators are elected through a ranked-choice ballot and serve staggered six-year terms.

Australians may organize political parties without restrictions. Registration and recognition as a political party requires a party constitution and either one member in Parliament, or at least 500 members on the electoral roll.

Concerns about foreign interference in politics, particularly from China, have persisted for several years. Chinese actors have allegedly funded candidates and parties, and a 2020 AFP foreign interference investigation named some Chinese consular officials in their warrants. The government banned foreign donations to political parties, independent candidates, and other political campaign groups in 2018. Additionally, the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme, which came into force that year, requires persons who engage in political activities, such as lobbying on behalf of a foreign government or other entity, to register publicly.

Political rights and electoral opportunities are granted to all Australians. However, the interests of women are inadequately represented, and women in Parliament have reported being intimidated and harassed by their male colleagues. Only 46 seats in the lower house are held by women, representing 30.7 percent of the body. The opposition Labor Party employs an internal quota specifying that 40 percent of its candidates must be women; this quota will rise to 50 percent in 2025. The governing Liberal Party also aims for equal gender representation by 2025, but does not use a quota system.

LGBT+ representatives have served in Parliament since the 1990s, when Green senator Bob Brown became the first openly gay member of the upper house. The first openly gay member of the House of Representatives was elected in a 2016 by-election. 152ee80cbc

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