Blogs & Podcasts

Chad Ramey's Beer Blog: ATX Beer Critic

Chris Colby's Beer and Wine Journal - great website with homebrewing articles and info and interaction - also home winemaking info! Chris also wrote the Homebrew Recipe Bible!

Brother Spargealot's Church of Zymurology blog

Dan Ironside's Apartment Homebrewer Blog - and his new book!!! Idiot's Guide: Homebrewing

Matt Chrispen's Accidentalis Brewing Blog

Robert Wenner's Beercomics! Homebrew Humor!!

Beertown Austin

Bitch Beer - these ladies love craft beer - buy their book: Austin Beer

An Ear for Beer Blog by Charles Culp An Ear For Beer

I Love Beer Blog by Lee Nichols I Love Beer

John Catalano's Cabana

A great listing of brew pubs in the US. Eric's Beer Page

Jezza & Fred's Beer Guide to London Beer Guide London (also look for App in the App Store)

Love Belgian beer or want to travel there? Burgundian Babble Belt - they also discuss homebrewing

Homebrew Podcasts

Basic Brewing Radio - A good mix of basic to intermediate brewing topics, interviews with authors and results from various experiments in brewing. There have been a number of shows with experiments conducted with friends at Austin Homebrew, and BYO editor and Zealots member Chris Colby makes frequent appearances. Episodes are weekly and run 30-60 minutes.

Craft Beer Radio - an Australian podcast with some running jokes and some Oceania specific hints and contest announcements, but usually pretty good information, and lots of experimental techniques. Episodes are every other week and run about an hour

Brew Crazy - A fellow Texan from the East hosts this podcast, which focuses on some unusual techniques - Cause of Death -a 21.4% all grain beer, indoor hop growing, making beer using all medieval methods, etc. Released irregularly and runs anywhere from 1-2+ hours.

The Brewing Network - A combination live internet radio feed with live shows, rebroadcasts of other shows, and live broadcasts. As opposed to the above podcasts which are recorded and edited, this is more like a radio show, with calls from listeners and answering messages from chat and email. They produce a few podcasts for download.

    • The Sunday Session is a weekly show that runs 3+ hours each week. Parts of the podcast are not safe for the family, but they generally have a very informative interview with people from the industry sandwiched between rambling talking, games, running jokes, etc.

    • The Jamil Show is produced every other week and is hosted by Jamil Zainasheff, a BJCP Master Judge, AHA Homebrewer of the Year winner and member of the AHA governing committee. This one-hour show is pretty much all facts, where they pick one style of beer and discuss the BJCP guidelines, a standard recipe formulation and variations on the style.

    • Lunch Meet - This is definitely not work- or family- safe listening. This one-hour, more or less every other week show is more about beer related topics and stories (many times, only tangentially related) and lots of locker room humor.