Sarah goes to the Quarry

Sarah explores a nearby quarry and gets in a little over her head.

Sarah goes to the Quarry.

It's a warm Sunday morning on Sarah's dairy farm. Sarah has the urge to get muddy, but so far she hasn't had the time to construct her own secluded mud pit on her farm, so she sits down at her desk, starts up her custom gaming computer that she uses for streaming games when she's got spare time. She loads a browser and navigates to a convenient "Mud Map" that other mud and quicksand fetishists had made by crowd-sourcing information. Sarah starts looking around her area with the map. Before long she notices that there's a quarry pinned on the map only about a 10 minute drive from her farmhouse! This looks like it has potential she thinks to herself as she zooms in on the satellite map to see the quarry a little better. Before long she's found a spot that she thinks would work well to hide her car and gain access to the quarry.

Now that the online recon is done, Sarah goes to her bedroom and picks out an outfit to get muddy in. Sarah usually likes bright colours that contrast well with her bright red hair, but today she decides on an all white outfit, as she thinks it would be pretty fun to completely ruin these clothes with mud, or hopefully clay. Sarah puts on a white bra, white panties, with white stockings first, followed up with a long white skirt that went down almost to her knees, as well as a tight white corset and white elbow length gloves, and finishes it off with white high heel shoes. She looks in the mirror and thinks "I wish I had a great big wedding dress for this adventure, but this will have to do for today, and besides, I still look amazing".

Sarah goes to the shed and picks up some bolt cutters and puts them in her car, as she knows she may need to cut through a fence to gain access to the quarry. She then sets off on an adventure. When she gets close to the quarry she drives past the front entrance and notices the gates are closed and a single security camera near the gate. But this wasn't her proposed entry point anyway, she turns off onto a nearby dirt road that runs down beside the quarry, and just like she saw on the map, the dirt road was surrounded by bushes and trees, before long she finds a good place to hide her car, driving up off the dirt road, and parking in amongst a group of bushes. She got out of the car and had a quick look around, it was really well hidden in this spot, and she was happy that nobody should notice it here. Sarah grabbed her bolt cutters and approached the fence, but when she got close she noticed that there was already an existing hole in the fence! Has someone else been here recently? Was this hole cut by the person that added this location to the Mud Map online? Who knows. But it was convenient. Sarah put her bolt cutters back into her car, and then proceeded through the hole in the fence.

Once inside she had to climb up a dirt bank that surrounded the entire quarry, once at the top she had her first chance to have a good look around. She could see that there was nobody working at the quarry today, which was expected being a Sunday! So she felt a lot more at ease knowing that there is almost no chance of getting caught here. She looked around a little more and spotted five or so different sediment ponds, and started walking towards the one that looked the least watery.

On the way Sarah found a long stick that she picked up, knowing it would help her work out how deep the mud is. When she reached the sediment pond, it had an almost glass flat surface broken up by inch wide cracks. Sarah worried that the pit might be too dry to have any fun with, but her worries quickly disappeared when she pressed the stick into the pit. It was dry on top, but just under that surface it was thick sticky clay! Jackpot! Sarah said out loud, before looking around to make sure that there was nobody else nearby to hear her. Sarah pushed the stick further down and it kept going, she couldn't tell how deep the clay was, all she knew is it was deeper than the 5 foot long stick she had. She pulled the stick back out, and it was heavy, with about an inch thick coating of sticky clay all over it. Sarah started getting aroused by how thick it was just looking at it, and her mind was made up. She was going to throw caution to the wind, and just jump right in as far out from the edge as she could get!

Sarah stared at the thick creamy light brown clay for a few more seconds, then with all her might she jumped from the edge out as far as she could get! SPLAT! within an instant, Sarah's feet were gone, but not just that, most of her legs were too! She was almost hip deep in the clay! And not only that, she was more than two metres out from the edge! Sarah looked around and saw how far out she had jumped. Oh wow! She thought, before realising just how tight the thick clay felt around her legs! Ooh! Damn that's thick! She said aloud. Before thinking "I didn't come all the way out here to get stuck a little deeper than my knees!" So Sarah used all her strength to lift one of her legs up a bit, as she did she felt the clay suck her shoe right off her foot! Oh wow! That feels amazing on my toes! She thought, before shoving her leg back down in the clay, then lifting her other foot to the same result! Both shoes were now lost forever, but she didn't care, the clay just felt too damn good on her feet! All the lifting of her legs had caused Sarah to sink a little deeper, the surface of the clay was almost touching her butt. She wiggled and squirmed and before long Sarah's butt was planted on top of the thick creamy clay. Her white stockings were completely covered under the surface. Sarah wonders for a moment on how she might get her stockings off to feel the clay better on her legs, and she decides to attempt to pull both her legs out of the thick sticky clay.

Sarah leaned back so that her back was flat on the surface of the clay, and with all her strength she managed to get one leg, then the other to come out of the clay, both covered by about an inch thick coating of clay!

Oh wow! That's even more amazing than I thought it would be! She thinks to herself, as she starts to peel off her stockings and the clay they are coated with. Slowly but surely her stockings are removed. She also takes the time to remove her white panties as she wants to feel the clay on her bare crotch.

Sarah plunges her legs back down into the thick sticky clay and stands up, the clay rubbed up against her crotch as she slowly sank a little deeper. Oh my! She said aloud, before rocking her hips just a little to feel the thick sticky clay rub up against her exposed crotch under her white skirt which had spread out over the surface. The feeling of the thick clay slopping against her crotch only made her more aroused and even more determined to get deeper and dirtier!

Sarah pumps her legs with as much force as she could, trying to get deeper, while she scooped up handfuls of thick sticky clay and rubbed it all over her tight white corset, watching it drip down onto her white skirt spread across the surface. Sarah picked up another handful of clay and stuffed it down her large cleavage, filling up every remaining space inside her white corset. She rubbed her hands all over her corset, spreading out and squishing around the clay between it and her body. The extra weight of all the clay in and on her has helped her sink a little deeper, as she noticed her skirt which was laying on top of the clay had disappeared from sight. It didn't take long for her to realise that she was almost chest deep! The clay felt extremely tight on her legs, and butt, while pressing hard on her exposed clit. She couldn't help but rock her hips, forcing the thick clay to press and rub against her clit. Oh yes! She yelled uncontrollably, before her facial expression changed to that of slight worry as she looked around to make sure there was nobody around to hear her. After a quick look, happy that she was sure that nobody else was around, she got back into rocking her hips, she slid one hand down into the clay, completely covering her white elbow length gloves, and started rubbing her clit with her fingers, while her other hand squeezed her breasts. Almost ready to climax she releases pressure off her clit, as she thought to herself, "I need to get deeper before that!"

Luckily for her, all the movement she was making had softened up the clay around her just a little. Not too much, it was still extremely thick and sticky, but enough so that she was able to sink down to the top of her corset, with a little effort, so only Her cleavage showing out the top of her tight white corset was visible above the surface as she looked down. Not that she could see much of her cleavage anyway after stuffing all that clay down there earlier, Sarah pulled her arms out of the clay, the clay sucked her white elbow length gloves right off her arms! Sarah laughed out loud at this, knowing that she would never see those gloves again, not that she really cared about them, before scooping up more clay and slathering it really thickly over her cleavage.

With another scoop she started spreading the thick sticky clay all over her bright red hair, a few more handfuls of clay later and her long red hair was completely covered in clay. This weighed her down even more, as she could feel her shoulders slowly sinking under the surface of the clay.

Sarah was now neck deep and ready to explode in orgasmic ecstasy! She slid her hands back under the surface, pumped her legs hard against the clay to spread them out a little for better access, Sarah grabbed one of her breasts with one hand through her tight white corset, while she slid the fingers of her other hand slowly past her clit and into her pussy. Oh yes! She screamed, not worrying about how loud she was, as she started rubbing the inside of her pussy with her fingers while her thumb rubbed her clit, her other hand squeezed her breasts hard, she pumped her legs as hard as she could, "Yes, Yes! YEEAS!" she screamed louder and louder as she continued sinking deeper, Sarah laid her head back, looking up at the sky, as slowly her head sank into the thick clay. The clay rose around her face, she closed her eyes, while still thrusting and rubbing away under the surface. She continued to sink, mouth wide open, moaning in pleasure, as she sank a little deeper, only her nose and mouth are above the surface now, her bright red lipstick shines brightly in the sunlight, as she lets out one last scream of pleasure as she finally sinks completely under the surface, the clay closing over her face as she climaxes more powerfully than ever before, the surface of the clay wobbles from her shuddering orgasms underneath, bubbles rise up and pop on the surface from her uncontrollable moaning under the surface.

A few moments later her lungs start to burn, she needs air, she musters up just enough strength to pull herself up, her head breaks the surface, and so does a hand, she wipes the clay off her mouth then gasps for air, while still moaning in pleasure. "AURGH! OH, HOH, OH, OH AAAAH!" she yells at the top of her lungs, catching her breath before she presses herself face first back into the thick sticky clay for another orgasm. She made a muffled moan as she pressed her face back into the clay, MMMMpf--- pop pop pop, another orgasm followed, her whole body shaking, she lifted her head up and screamed out in pleasure again, before finally relaxing her body. With only her head above the clay, she raised a hand out of the clay, wiped the thick sticky clay from her eyes and nose, had a quick look around, good, there's still nobody here she thought. But she was now too exhausted to get herself out. She could barely move. She thought for a second, and the answer was obvious, just lay here and relax in the clay for a while. So that's what she did. She laid her head back into the clay, keeping only her face above the surface, and she just relaxed, it felt like she was floating weightless in the thick sticky clay. she relaxed and stayed there for a few hours, feeling nothing but pleasure and happiness as she lay there, stuck in the thick sticky clay.

It was only after she realised that the sun had dipped below the tops of the nearby trees a few hours later that she understood just how long she had been in there. She decided that she had enough rest and should be strong enough now to get herself out.

Sarah very slowly lifted her head up, and quickly wiped the clay off her ears so she could hear again. She started to try and lift herself up, but she was really stuck. It took a tremendous amount of effort just to get up enough for her cleavage to pop up above the surface. Sarah was exhausted. She wondered why on earth she had decided to jump out as far as she did when she looked back at the bank on the edge of the pit, and also, why she didn't bring a rope or something to assist with getting out. She caught her breath for a while, now chest deep in the thick sticky clay.

After a few minutes, Sarah had another go at getting out, she knew that the clay was more dense than she was, and that if she could get up high enough she could probably float on the surface. But her legs were stuck down there really tight. She pumped her legs a bit to soften the clay around them, and wiggled her but a bit to lift it up. It was at this time she felt her skirt get pulled off. "Oh wow! You've taken my shoes, stockings, sucked off my gloves, and at some point after taking off my knickers they seem to have sunk too, and now you're not even going to let me keep my skirt! You're such a naughty, naughty clay pit!" She says playfully while looking at the clay surrounding her. "I'm surprised you're letting me keep my corset and bra!" She laughs, "then again, my corset was really, really tight so that was a battle you weren't going to win" a random bubble comes up and pops on the surface, almost as if the clay was trying to reply to her teasing. Sarah laughed and tried again to lift herself up, slowly working her but up out of the clay, legs still firmly under, but it was getting easier to move. Sarah laid out flat on her stomach while she caught her breath and waited for a little more strength to return to her body. While she waited, she pressed her face into the clay a few more times. "That feels sooo damn good every time" she thought to herself, before realising that she was getting aroused again. "Whoops, I'd better not do that again, because if I lose myself to the clay again, there's no way I will have the strength to get out, and I definitely want to get out so that I can come back here again!" She thought to herself as she mustered enough strength to pull one of her legs up and out. Her other leg came out shortly after. Phew! That was an effort, she thought as she started crawling across the surface of the clay towards the edge of the pit. Well, it wasn't exactly a crawl, more like a hybrid of crawling and swimming, as every time she pushed her legs or arms down to get a little forward momentum, they sank into the clay. Slorp, slorp, slorp, each movement made thick sucking sounds, almost as if the clay wanted her to stay. It took about 15 minutes of this before she could finally grab a hold of the edge, even though she only moved a couple of metres, she finally got there and climbed out. Sarah felt extremely heavy. Her body had about an inch thick layer of clay covering it everywhere, not to mention all the clay she rubbed into her hair and stuffed into her corset! And what's worse is there is nowhere near to wash off! Oh well, looks like this is how I stay until I get home! She thinks, as she starts walking towards the hole in the fence. she doesn't even bother to wipe off any of the thick sticky clay as she kind of enjoys the heavy, sticky feeling on her skin. She climbs down the bank, goes through the hole in the fence and approaches her car. She opens the door and grabs the tarp she had prepared earlier and lays it out across the seat to protect it.

She then climbs in, starts the car and drives home, still covered in about an inch thick layer of clay.

When she gets back to her farm house, she's really tired. Too tired to bother washing off, so she simply walks into her bedroom taking the tarp from the car with her, she pulls back her bedsheets, scrapes the clay that came off her in the car from the tarp and dumps the clay into her bed! Sarah then removes her corset, wipes off as much clay as she can, dropping the clay into her bed, and does the same with her bra too. She then climbs into bed, still covered in about an inch thick coating of clay. The clay squishes around her body, she rubs it all over, giving herself an even coating of the thick sticky clay, she then pulls up her bedsheets, asks her smart speaker to turn off the lights, Sarah wonders how she will ever top this experience, before making a mental note to buy a big wedding dress online for her next trip to the quarry, just imagining how heavy it will feel covered and filled with clay. Then she goes to sleep in a bed filled with thick sticky clay, the feeling must have been like being inside a peanut butter sandwich. As she dreams about her next messy adventure.

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