If you find a solution that is not mentioned in this section or in Chrome DevTools Devices does notdetect device when plugged in, please add an answer to that Stack Overflow question, or open anissue in the developer.chrome.com repository!

In chrome://inspect/#devices on your development machine, you see your Android device's model name, followed byits serial number. Below that, you can see the version of Chrome that's running on the device,with the version number in parentheses.

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Each remote Chrome tab gets its own section in chrome://inspect/#devices. You can interact with that tab from this section. If there are any apps using WebView, you see a section for each of those apps, too. In this example, there's only one tab open.

While they appear relevant - they in fact do not resolve the issue.

The "homepageisnewtabpage" flag is not available for chome on android - it was only a developer test feature and was then removed.

I don't know why I would want to let users choose their homepage, when this thread is 100% about forcing a page to launch with chrome on startup.

Thanks everyone for your help. Actually this option of import, I think was present in the beginning for android because when I searched on Google, all procedure was written & I followed but at the end when I went back to Brave, after taking a backup of the passwords, I found that there was no option of import anymore on Android.

Unfortunate that this option is present for iPhone but not Android devices.

Hi. For some reason, Zoom stopped launching meetings through the browser in Chrome on my android. When I choose the meeting from my calendar, it will ask me to launch the meeting, and when selected, nothing happens. I uninstalled the zoom app, and now I can't finish the process of logging in because of course, it will not launch. Can someone please help?

Hi. For some reason, Zoom stopped launching meetings through the browser in Chrome on my android. When I choose the meeting from my calendar, it will ask me to launch the meeting, and when selected, nothing cure plantar fasciitis happens. I uninstalled the zoom app, and now I can't finish the process of logging in because of course, it will not launch. Can someone please help?

We make extensive use of Microsoft forms for our workers in the fields. The latest chrome for android update breaks the ability to upload files on forms. We can take a non-updated android device, use a form with a upload file option and you see and can attach files. Then update chrome in the app store and then when you select attach files no recent files show and if you browse to the file location they are greyed out as if chrome does not have permissions to local files. Non forms file attachment works in chrome, and upload files on the form in Firefox or other browsers works fine. Only the latest mobile Chrome version with the forms upload option displays this behavior.

And if you don't see the option, don't worry: Google's taking its good sweet time making this one universally available, but you can manually activate it this minute by typing chrome:flags into your browser's address bar, typing button into the search box on the screen that comes up, then finding the line labeled "Adaptive button in top toolbar customization" and changing its setting from "Default" to "Enabled."

The override happens in chrome/app/chrome_main_delegate.cc. Platforms not building with the file may not have implemented the override. Overriding the user data directory via the command line is not supported on iOS.

The CRD host will continue to set these environment variables if either chrome-config/ or chrome-profile/ exists in ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop/. If you want to use the local Chrome profile in CRD sessions, quit Chrome and delete these folders from ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop/, then reboot the host device. e24fc04721

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