I am an Assistant Research Professor at the Center for Data Science for Enterprise and Society (CDSES), Cornell University. 

Before joining Cornell, I was a postdoc at the CERC in Data Science, Polytechnique Montréal under supervision of Andrea Lodi and Margarida Carvalho. I obtained my Ph.D. in Operations Research under supervision of Mohit Singh, Sebastian Pokutta and Alejandro Toriello at the H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech.  I also got my Mathematical Engineering degree (B.Eng. and M.S. in Applied Math equivalent) advised by Roberto Cominetti at the Mathematical Engineering Department, Universidad de Chile.

Research Interests

My main research interests lie at the intersection of optimization and operations research with a focus on the design of novel algorithmic tools and optimization models to tackle challenges that appear in multi-agent and societal systems at large. 

Recently, I have been focused on optimization models and other operational tools to make cities more equitable, efficient and sustainable. I am especially interested in understanding pressing issues that urban centers currently face such as disparities across different communities at the city-level, equitable budgeting and provision of services, the impact of economic shocks, among others.

In the past, I have worked in several topics related to resource allocation, student-school allocation, online matching platforms, diversity, or more broadly, submodular optimization, assortment optimization, stable matching and online matching models. I am also excited about the interactions between submodular optimization and machine learning.


alfredo.torrico [at] cornell.edu



Upcoming Talks: IOS (March 2024), Combinatorial Optimization for Online Platforms at BIRS (April 2024), ISMP (July 2024).


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