macOS GUI apps are packaged as ".app bundles" or "packages", which are actually special directory hierarchies. A traditional Unix shell like bash or zsh expect the file you invoke to be executable; either a shell script or an executable machine code binary file; you can't execute a directory. So if you want to invoke a GUI app from the command line, you must invoke its actual executable buried inside the .app bundle, which would usually be something like this:

The reason you were getting that permission denied error was you were asking your shell to execute a directory, which is not executable (the "x" permissions bit on directories means it's traversable, but that's beyond the scope of this question).

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Note that launching GUI apps from a shell only works when the shell lives inside a GUI session, such as a shell running within a terminal emulator app. It doesn't work from a shell that's not associated with any GUI session, such as when you've SSH'd into the Mac from some other machine.

Why not use Spotlight?

Cmd/Space, start to type, hit Return when the correct name is selected [which you can do with arrows if you don't want to click.] If you don't have many things with 'atom' in the name, you're probably down to 4 or 5 keystrokes to open it from anywhere in the OS.

What would that mean? KiCad already supports fully specified symbols which kind of already do what most people expect an atomic thing to do but allow the library to be scalable (as the same footprint can serve multiple symbols).

Edit: A full atomic file format might actually make sense. But not for the local library or even a company library but as an exchange format used to get library assets provided by a manufacturer into KiCad (would be nice if a user would download one file and get symbols, footprints, spice models and 3d models installed by use of only one tool).

A custom field could for example be an UUID that defines a particular component class (0805 resistor, 0.05%, high stability) and the python scipt combines that with the value field to a completely specified symbol, and it complains if that value does not exist in that component type.

Another workflow would be to have KiCad libraries generated from database info, and then use only the preferred parts from that database.

New parts would then fist be (pre-modified) and extracted from KiCad, and the fields and graphic lines of schematic symbols would then get copied into the external database.

A common problem with Open Source program is to have a good lead in which direction to go. KiCad is doing marvelous in this regard, thanks to a small group of motivated and wise people who make the right decisions.

Imagine some big project, really big: Intel Xeon Class computing module. 1000ths (!) of components. I have to select fully specified/atom symbols because right at this moment i am into this part of the schematic. On the other hand, layout is done simulteneously with schematic work (by another person), so footprints must exist.

But again i think having a decouling from the true symbol name and and its fields makes it quite easier and more clean.

I also wonder why then there are different places in the file format for symbolname and symbol value?

@stambaughw Btw, i just pulled the latest nightly and wondered about the structure of symbol libs. I tought it would be similar to the footprint libraries where a library is made by a directory and and every component resides in an extra file. This would be a lot easier if you work with multiple people on the same library

Btw, i just pulled the latest nightly and wondered about the structure of symbol libs. I tought it would be similar to the footprint libraries where a library is made by a directory and and every component resides in an extra file. This would be a lot easier if you work with multiple people on the same library

This is not practical because of inheritance. If you create a separate file for each symbol, inherited symbols would require copying multiple files to ensure the entire symbol can be constructed so I opted for multiple symbols per file to ensure the entire symbol is contained in one file. Maybe once the full inheritance is in place this will be easier to understand why I made this decision.

Ah ok, that makes it quite clear. Thanks for the quick clarification.

May i ask what the problem with different symbolname and value for symbol look up is? because there are two drifferent fields for symbol itself and the value:

This was the same issue with the nmr workflow where one need atom numbers. This issue was also discussed in the indigo/rdkit forums. I dunno why noone seems to implement returning atomnumbers by default when substructures are matched. It's very useful

Luis, who developed the atom signature node, will implement an option to return the atom numbers in a separate column next to the signatures by the end of this week. Complementary to that, we have added a global option to display atom ids (see this post).

It seems its only possible to get this to work, when the Hydrogens have been populated around the atoms, and there is no functionality in CDK to do this, I am having to use Indigo nodes (Hydrogen Adder) and then convert back. I am unsure why it is a requirement to populate the hydrogens around the molecule, I have tried the CDK Hydrogen Manipulator node first, but this doesnt help, the Signature node just reports back this error; ERROR Atom Signatures Execute failed: String value can't be null.

Also as a lot of the hydrogens on a molecule are equivalent, rather than give a unique atom number per hydrogen, would it be better to give the atom number of the hydrogen to correspond to the heavy atom it is attached too (i.e. report the Carbon number it is attached to).

You shouldn't have to worry about the hydrogens as this should (and now will) be handled under the hood by the node. Following your advise I have modified the node according to your description. There certainly is no point of displaying the same hydrogen signature or HOSE code three times, e.g., for a methyl group.

Are there any plans to extend atom signatures to other atoms such as F, N, O, B, Si, S, P ? This would allow NMR predictions of other atom types. If you do consider implementing these other atoms, it would be useful to allow the node not to fail if it encounters molecules which doesnt have one of the atom types (i.e. it passes an empty table), as this is much more likely to occur with these atoms than C or H.

I am a bit reluctant to return an empty table or filter out rows that contain structures for which no signature / hose code can be generated as this would, in a way, contradict the basic idea of a workflow.

...and the system never came up. It stayed on the booting screen saying it was loading the nightly (probably for a couple minutes) and then just rebooted. I let it do this through a couple reboots and then remotely uploaded my previous working image (LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-10.0.1.img) and the system unpacked it and things got back to normal (after initially booting into a safe mode).

I'm not seeing anythng in the issue report that says it is an older Atom/ION machine? - but if iit was, ION = nVidia and there is no support for nVidia GPUs in LE11 'Generic' images so you'd need to self-compile the 'Generic_Legacy' version (while this is still possible).

I've of course enabled hardware acceleration in the preferences, and I even set layers.acceleration.force-enabled to true in about:config. When forced, "GPU Accelerated Windows" shows the correct number.

reading this post was educational for me. I had no idea these settings were possible.

I tried your settings on and found my nvidia GeForce 6150 actually performed better without these set.

something I'll definitely be experimenting with.

I do know there is a setting for adobe flash to use acceleration.

open /etc/adobe/mms.config and uncomment or add this line.


by default firefox does have some "content" acceleration using xrender, but opengl accelerated layers and opengl acceleration is not enabled by default yet, because its very buggy under linux. You can try running a nightly build and forcing opengl layers and see if its improved at all on those newer builds. opengl layers is finally starting to become usable on my intel card in nightly, they recently fixed a bug that caused flickering and artifacts


If I enable layers.acceleration.force-enabled on Firefox 16, and watch a HD HTML5 video on YouTube, it does NOT lag. However, enabling this also brings some strange graphical glitches (not as bad as the ones in version 15 though). When I use the nightly build, there are no more glitches (yay)! And the HD videos still doesn't lag. The fishbowl demo is still really laggy with a high fish count though, but then again I guess it doesn't matter to me. 152ee80cbc

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