Athan Salatuk Prayer Times

Privacy Policy of Athan Salatuk Prayer Times

Athan Salatuk Prayer Times

to determine prayer times, Qibla direction and Islamic events

Application of Athan Salatuk Prayer Times to all over the world according to the famous astronomical calculations in the Islamic world.

We do not save or withdraw any user-specific information. Application statistics are not sold or redistributed, but are used to improve application quality and to determine the effectiveness of the application.

Explanation of permits used in application:

Location : This permission is used to access your site(city) and calculate prayer times accurately

Network : This permission is used to access the Internet and locate the network

Storage : This permission is used to access the memory to read and memorize the audio of the adhaan


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Personal Data: Cookie and Usage data

please feel free to Contact me

Contact information

Heidare hedelek

+964771 780 8459