Privacy Policy

We use device identifiers to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share such identifiers and other information from your device with our advertising and analytics partners.

Please note that local storage (like cookies) are used in app to remember a user's preferences and any favorites. - Such local data is not collected or shared and is stored locally on a users device only (it will be lost if the app is uninstalled).

Apps may reference online public open script libraries such as Bootstrap, Jquery, utilise images hosted online and public domain font families - such as Lobster via Google Font.

Our Apps often contain advertising in the form of banner and interstitial ads in order to sustain the development of free apps. Ads can be displayed from a number of ad networks including Google AdMob, Facebook, Ogury, Smaato and their partners. For details on how our advertising partners utilise identifiers please see the respective third party ad network privacy policy.

For more information on Google Ads and any privacy concerns over ad display and user tracking please see Google's Privacy Policy

As well as device identifiers other permissions are often requested. Apps that request location information require this data in order to provide local information, localised ads and services. - In apps such as our Transport Planner this location information is used to determine local transport options. This data will be sent to transport planning servers to process to return the local services.

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to get in touch by emailing
