Nancy F. Chiasson

Artist Bio

Visual and ceramic artist Nancy Chiasson made her home and business in Cape Breton after attending Dundas Valley School of the Arts in the early 90’s. For the past 20 years, from her rural studio, she teaches classes and creates work both commercial and artistic. Nancy has recently successfully completed a Transitions Project commission through the Shubenacadie Canal Commission. This ceramic mural involved conducting research and developing visual imagery in clay based on the lives of the Acadians along the waterway. The title of this commission is Acadian Surfaces and can be viewed on her social media platforms. In 2014 Nancy was awarded the Grand Pre Prize from Arts Nova Scotia for her artist in residency work at the Fortress of Louisbourg. Creating collaged landscapes inspired by the rugged coastline around the fortress she worked in a small format with space, color and perspective. She also created hand built pottery vessels inspired by eroding coastline and lost historical buildings both real and imagined, in part, by allowing her mind to wander through time at this historic site. In her work with the PAINTS program Nancy develops and delivers art educational experiences to classrooms across the province. 

Workshop Description

Hand Building with Air Dry Clay

Introduction to Hand Building using Air Dry Clay. Hand building is working with clay off the wheel. It includes 3 basic techniques - pinching, coiling and slab work. Using these 3 basic techniques almost anything can be created! Our first project will be creating a pinch pot or small handleless cup which we will use as the basis for a wide mouth creature. Our second project will be creating small slabs and decorating them with stamps, found textures and more. All these fun materials will be provided. These creations can become ornaments, jewelry or decorative plates. Air dry clay is also readily available and inexpensive making it an easy addition to bring into your classroom.