ASUS Device Discovery helps you find all ASUS networking devices include routers, repeaters, access points and wireless media bridges in your network. You can use this app to get router IP address then login to the router setting page(WebGUI).

When using multiple ASUS Router or Repeater products in one network environment, ASUS Device Discovery helps you find all ASUS networking devices include routers (repeater/access point/wireless media bridge mode) in your network. You can use this application to get router IP address then login to the router setting page (WebGUI).

Asus Wireless Router Utilities Download

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1. Before logging-in to the router web GUI, please make sure the router is powered on and the LED light is on and stable. Also, please connect your computer to the router (either wired or wirelessly).

Preliminary: Download and install the ASUS Firmware Restoration Utility. Download the ASUS RT-N66U firmware from their support page -- _Download/ Connect the router to your PC via a UTP Ethernet cable. (Disconnect any other wireless or wired connections you may have to your PC.)

Thank you mbo2o and Das U-Boot. I guess I do know what a boot loader is since I have long worked with such building Windows machines (and DEC machines before that). I just don't get it with consumer/business routers which to me are arcane and confusing. I suppose if I went ahead and built an OpenBSD machine with a couple/three wired and wireless NICS this whole routing business would make more a lot sense to me. (In fact, I should have done that years ago. Maybe this should be my next step.)

Windows XP on up has its own wireless utility built in. Its just wise to use what Windows has, it works and its built in to the OS. No reason to install this on your machine. Why they still include these utilities is beyond me.

Note: The mini_asus.trx build is supposed to be designed to be uploaded as a firmware upgrade through the ASUS stock firmware's web interface. The stock ASUS firmware rejected this build in the author'sattempt to do this. For Windows use the Firmware Restoration utility provided with your router to do the initial mini-asus.trx flash. For Vista users, Administrative permissions are required. For Windows 7 users, changing the main executables (.exe) file to Windows XP sp2 compatibility mode is required. For 64bit versions of Windows, make sure the installation path is set to Program Files (x86).

1. You will need to manually set the address of your PC's Network LAN card to and subnet mask Also make sure all other adapters on your PC, except for the main LAN connection are disabled.2. Remove the power connector of the WL series router.3. While holding the BLACK reset button down, plug the power connector back in. 4. When the power LED flashes, release the reset button. The router is now in recovery mode.5. Use the Asus recovery utility to upload the DD-WRT mini-asus.trx file.6. After the upgrade, the Utility will ask for a router reboot. Give it about a minute to be on the safe side before removing the power. Once plugged back in, you will be able to access the web interface.7. Return your Net adapter properties to "Automatically Obtain IP"8. DO NOT use Firefox for upgrading builds! Use Internet Explorer!!!!9. Type into your browser and set your username as root and pick a password.10. Navigate to Administration->Firmware Upgrade and upload either the recommended build provided on the main page of the site, or another of your choice.

Search Providers near you Find Providers Router BrandRouter login URLDefault IP AddressAppNETGEARrouterlogin.net192.168.1.1NETGEAR Nighthawk (iPhone) or NETGEAR Nighthawk (Android)Asusrouter.asus.com192.168.1.1 or Router App (iPhone) or Asus Router App (Android)Linksysmyrouter.local192.168.1.1Linksys (iPhone) or Linksys (Android)D-Linkdlinkrouter.local192.168.0.1mydlink (iPhone) or mydlink (Android)EeroNo web interfaceNo web interfaceEero home Wifi system (iPhone) or Eero home Wifi system (Android)Google Nest WifiNo web interfaceNo web interfaceGoogle Home (iPhone) or Google Home (Android) or orbilogin.net192.168.1.1 or Orbi (iPhone) or NETGEAR Orbi (Android)Router BrandNETGEARRouter login URLrouterlogin.netDefault IP Address192.168.1.1AppNETGEAR Nighthawk (iPhone) or NETGEAR Nighthawk (Android)Router BrandAsusRouter login URLrouter.asus.comDefault IP Address192.168.1.1 or Router App (iPhone) or Asus Router App (Android)Router BrandLinksysRouter login URLmyrouter.localDefault IP Address192.168.1.1AppLinksys (iPhone) or Linksys (Android)Router BrandD-LinkRouter login URLdlinkrouter.localDefault IP Address192.168.0.1Appmydlink (iPhone) or mydlink (Android)Router BrandEeroRouter login URLNo web interfaceDefault IP AddressNo web interfaceAppEero home Wifi system (iPhone) or Eero home Wifi system (Android)Router BrandGoogle Nest WifiRouter login URLNo web interfaceDefault IP AddressNo web interfaceAppGoogle Home (iPhone) or Google Home (Android)Router BrandOrbiRouter login or orbilogin.netDefault IP Address192.168.1.1 or Orbi (iPhone) or NETGEAR Orbi (Android)Log in to your router using a web browserConnect to your router.Navigate to your router login page in a web browser.Enter your router username and password (not the same as your Wi-Fi name and password).Give your internet a quick health checkUse our internet speed test to see how your connection is performing.

The ASUS RT-N76U and RT-N56U deliver super-fast, stabledownloads with an industry-leading 300,000 concurrent sessions, anddual band support provides speedy file transfers via the lesscrowded 5GHz band. Both routers support simultaneous printing andscanning to enable wireless printing from anywhere around ahome.

Think of your routers as a doorway to your home. The information from all the connected devices pass through your routers and then to the internet. Similarly, inbound data also go through the router and then back to your device again. There are also some router models that have various features such as telephony services, media server, wireless access points etc. They are comprised of an operating system (OS), hardware, and web applications. 17dc91bb1f

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