Your privacy is important to Marzipanos Apps (hereinafter as "Team") and we are committed to protecting your privacy. So we've developed a Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy explains how the Team treats your information and protects your privacy when you Use the Software & Services and the rights and options available to you regarding your information. Team believes that you have a right to know our practices regarding the information We may collect and use when you Use the Software & Services. The Software & Services may include various features and content that are offered and delivered to you by us and/or by third parties, such as messages, advertisements, as well as features and content that you may choose to add ("Content").

Information the Team Collects and Receives.

When you Use the Software & Services, we automatically collect and store the following types of information:

1. Technical Information. Certain technical information regarding your device, and your Use of the Software & Services and other third party software and applications installed on your device (the "Other Software"), including the type, name and version of operating system and Other Software including, without limitation, their interactions with the Software & Services, ISP (Internet Service Provider), location, Internet protocol (IP) address, anonymous user identifiers, device configuration and identifiers, Advertising ID (Identifier for Advertisers used in Android) and the like), version of the Software & Services, and your configuration and settings of the Software & Services;

2. Usage Information. Certain usage related information regarding your use and interaction with your device, including the Software & Services and Other Software, such as when and how you Use the Software & Services and Other Software, how you use your internet browser and internet search related applications, the web pages you visit and the content you see, access and utilize on such web pages; for example, offerings and advertisements that you view, use and access, how you use them and your response to them, how frequently you use them, your search queries and the time and date of your searches;

3. Support Related Information. If you communicate with Us via our support section or via email, we may also collect your email address, name and any information voluntarily submitted by you in connection with such support (for example, your name, company name, and particular support query or request). Such information will only be used to provide you with support services and will not be connected with any other information collected from you on or through the Software & Services, including, any individual User ID (as defined below) generated or collected by us. When you Use the Software & Services, We automatically generate an anonymous internal user ID (which does not personally identify you), which is assigned to your use of the Software & Services (the "User ID") and may be combined with any of the above information.

While it is not our intention to collect any personally identifiable information ("PII") (except for registration and user support purposes as set forth in this Privacy Policy), the data collected may include PII. As part of our privacy measures, we implement certain rules designed to avoid the unintentional collection of PII such as email addresses, social security numbers, credit card numbers, login information etc. Such rules are based on known field types, parameters, values and algorithms but they are not foolproof and hence the Software & Services may sometimes, unintentionally, collect unwanted information. We regularly examine and update these rules.

How the Team Uses Your Information.

The Team uses the information it collects for analytical, business and operational purposes in the following ways:

1. to operate and update the Software & Services and provide you with existing and new functionality and features;

2. to improve and customize the Software & Services;

3. to provide you personalized content, including through the delivery of targeted interest-based advertisements from us or our partners;

4. to maintain and improve the quality and operation of the Software & Services;

5. to notify you of Software & Services updates;

6. to provide you with support and handle your complaints and/or feedback;

7. to take any action in case of a dispute involving you in connection with the Software & Services;

8. to enforce the terms and conditions applicable to the Software & Services and to prevent unlawful activities and misuse thereof;

9. to comply and satisfy any applicable law regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request.

Sharing Information with Third Parties.

We may share with third parties the information collected in any of the following events:

1. If we are required by law to disclose your information, we may share your information with law enforcement or other competent authorities and any third party, as may be required (e.g., to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues; to respond to claims or satisfy any legal process, subpoena, or governmental request; or to protect the rights, property, or personal safety of the Team's users, its partners, or the general public);

2. We may share your information with certain third parties (including, without limitation, search engines, content providers, and advertising networks and platforms) that provide various services (such as advertising, marketing, analysis, content, and search) in connection with the Software & Services. We take appropriate measures to ensure that no user can be individually identified from the disclosure of such information, and we require these third parties (i) to keep the data secured, (ii) not to use the data for any other purpose other than to provide us with services, and (iii) to use the data solely in compliance with this Privacy Policy;

Third-Party Content.

Certain Software & Services may include and/or enable you to add Content to them. The Content may be in the form of apps, buttons, gadgets, links to third party advertisements, websites, products and services (including search services) as well as additional means that are provided to you by third parties (collectively, "Third Party Content and Services"). The use of such Third Party Content and Services is subject to their privacy policies. In addition, the Team provides such third parties with a large number of tools to enable them to create interesting and unique apps, buttons, and gadgets using the Company's platform. Some of these tools may give these third parties the ability to access, collect, store, and/or share your information – both your PII and non-personally identifiable information. In order to clarify, we do not review, approve, monitor, endorse, warrant, or make any representations with respect to such Third Party Content and Services and your access to any Third Party Content and Services is at your own risk. We are not responsible for the information contained and/or made available through, the practices of, or your use or inability to use such Third Party Content and Services. You expressly relieve us from any and all liability arising from your use of such Third Party Content and Services. We recommended that you read the terms, conditions and privacy policies of such Third Party Content and Services before using or accessing any of them.

Social Networks.

You may also choose to activate additional features that provide you with the ability to update and use your favorite social networks directly from the Software & Services. During such activation, you will be asked to grant the Team permission to compile certain information from such social networks. This information may include friends or contact lists, notes, updates, and photos and may be used by the Team to customize the Content available to you through the Software & Services, suggest new features and Content that may be relevant to you or provide the Team with data for statistical purposes. The information you allow the Team to access is that which is presented to you when you choose to activate these features. Please see your social network provider policies for any questions or concerns. You may opt not to grant the Team access to your social network account(s) at any time by changing your social network settings or by not authorizing the Team's access thereto.

Cookies and Other Technologies.

We may collect or allow third parties to collect, through blocks of code called "pixels" or "web beacons", certain information about you and send it to our servers and to our partners. We or our partners, package all or part of this information into small text files called Cookies and send the Cookie to your computer. As an example, Cookies may store search queries made through the Software & Services, the web pages you accessed, your interaction with advertisements presented to you via the Software & Services, features you used, your session duration and your configurations and preferences of the Software & Services.

Such Cookies and other technologies allow us and our partners to recognize you on your next use of, access or visit to the Software & Services, or on your visits or access to our partner's network (i.e. sites and services other than those of the Team). The Team and/or its partners use Cookies and other tracking technologies to:

1. facilitate and enhance your interaction and activities with the Software & Services;

2. help the Team learn how you Use the Software & Services, what parts are most attractive and interesting to you, and what kind of offers you like to see;

3. provide you with personalized content which may include interest-based information, online ads or other marketing materials on or through the Software & Services and on third party websites and properties;

4. analyze the information collected from you and help manage and optimize the Software & Services;

5. track and measure various performance and demographic parameters of advertising campaigns including without limitation, analyzing which ads your browser has loaded, which site pages you may have been viewing when the ads were delivered or accessed and your interaction with the ad.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept Cookies but you can reset your browser to refuse all Cookies or to indicate when a Cookie is sent. However, some functions of the Software & Services may not function properly if your cookies are disabled. By using the Software & Services, you affirmatively consent to the collection of information and Cookies as described above.

Data Retention.

We retain the information we collect as described in this Privacy Policy for as long as necessary to fulfill our business and/or operational purposes or comply with a legal request. We may also choose to anonymize parts of the information we collect so that it can no longer be identifiable or attributable to any person if we want to keep it for longer periods of time.

Transfer of Data Outside Your Territory.

The Software & Services work over the Internet. We may store and process information in various locations throughout the globe. you hereby provide us with your express consent to transfer of your data.


Personal information is data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person.

We DO NOT collect, store or use any personal information while you visit, download or upgrade our website or our products, excepting the personal information that you submit to us when you create a user account, send an error report or participate in online surveys and other activities.

Only for the following purposes that we may use personal information submitted by you: help us develop, deliver, and improve our products and services and supply higher quality service; manage online surveys and other activities you’ve participated in.

In the following circumstances, we may disclose your personal information according to your wish or regulations by law:

(1) Your prior permission;

(2) By the applicable law within or outside your country of residence, legal process, litigation requests;

(3) By requests from public and governmental authorities;

(4) To protect our legal rights and interests.


Non-personal information is data in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual, such as your Android ID, CPN model, memory size, your phone IMEI number, phone model, rom, phone operator, location, install, uninstall, frequency of use, etc.

We may collect and use non-personal information in the following circumstances. To have a better understanding in user’s behavior, solve problems in products and services, improve our products, services and advertising, we may collect non-personal information such as the data of install, frequency of use, country, equipment and channel.

If non-personal information is combined with personal information, we treat the combined information as personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy.


We take precautions — including administrative, technical, and physical measures — to safeguard your personal information against loss, theft, and misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.

When you use some products, services, or post your comments, the personal information you share is visible to other users and can be read, collected, or used by them. You are responsible for the personal information you choose to submit in these instances. Please take care when using these features.


To make sure your personal information is secure; we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to all employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.

How to Contact the Team.

If you have any questions or concerns with respect to any matter covered by this Privacy Policy, you may contact Us by email at: