Dr. Antonio STOCCO, CNRS researcher 

keywords: colloids, interfaces, membranes, active matter, wetting  

Rotational and translational drags of a Janus particle close to a wall and a lipid membrane  Vaibhav Sharma, Florent Fessler, Fabrice Thalmann, Carlos M Marques and Antonio Stocco

Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 652, Pages 2159-2166 (2023)


HDR- Dec. 2018


Entry of microparticles into giant lipid vesicles by optical tweezers  Florent Fessler, Vaibhav Sharma, Pierre Muller, and Antonio Stocco

Phys. Rev. E 107, L052601 (2023)


Contact : stocco@unistra.fr