About Project

Assume App is an open source mobile application where you can manage your plans and see the statistics of the tasks you have done. In addition, there are areas in the application that you can customize according to your own taste.

The application is currently only published in the Google Play Store.

Google Play Store


Source Code



It is the first opening page with the brand logo of the application.

2. Onboarding

It consists of a series of pages where users can learn about how to use the application, explore its features, and make some adjustments for a better experience.

3. Sign In

The page where existing users can log in with their credentials such as email address and password.

4. Sign Up

The form page required for new users to complete the registration process. On this page, in addition to information such as username, e-mail address, password, there are also fields where they can optionally complete their profiles.

5. Plan

A page where users can set tasks that fit their priorities and goals. Here, users can easily add new tasks, edit existing tasks and prioritize them.

6. Run

It is the page where the tasks are displayed after starting the tasks determined by the users. Users can pause or complete tasks.

7. Done

Page where users can view completed tasks. Here users can view information such as the name and date of completed tasks.

8. Profile

Profile page is a page where a user can manage their account settings and view statistics about their profile. This page also has a section where the user can configure the application settings (theme, main color, language, notifications, etc.). Users can also view their archives from their profile page. Privacy settings are also accessible on the profile page and users can log out if they wish.