I've been doing ASP.NET a little bit (on and off) over the last year, but I've never come upon this challenge: I'm building a website right now which is quite simple, mostly based in HTML and Javascript. However, on one page, I need to read an XML file off the server, parse it, create HTML from values contained in the XML file, and output it as the response. I am going to use ASP.NET with C# for this. I understand how to parse the XML and generate the HTML code in C#, but how do I write the HTML code into the response/into the page? The generated dynamic HTML is only in one big div in the page, and the rest of the page is static. What is the best way to do this? As I've never done anything like this before, I'm guessing that one way to do it would be to clear the whole HTML source of the page and use Response.Write() in the Page_Load event to write in the whole HTML of the page, with the XML values already inserted. Is this the correct method, and if so, could you give me a few lines of code as an example to make sure that I'm doing it right? Thanks!

I'm building an API Server with ASP .NET Core.I needed to generate and manage API Keys.So i searched about that, and i found 'Azure Key Vaults'.I thought it might be a solution, but it was paid service.So i wondered what is general way to generate and manage API Keys in ASP .NET Core.I will be thankful if you help me.

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ASP.NET Maker is a powerful automation tool that can quickly generate an ASP.NET Core 6.0 or 7.0 MVC web application in C# from MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite databases. ASP.NET Maker can also create summary reports, crosstabs reports and dashboards with JavaScript (HTML5) charts (column, bar, line, pie, area, doughnut, multi-series and stacked chart) to summarize and visualize your data. Using ASP.NET Maker, you can instantly create websites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records. ASP.NET Maker is designed for high flexibility, numerous options enable you to generate web applications that best suits your needs. The generated codes are clean, straightforward and easy-to-customize. ASP.NET Maker can save you tons of time and is suitable for both beginners and experienced developers alike.

With dynamic permissions ASPRunner.NET will let you create and modify the permissions and assign users to certain groups right from the generated web application. Every time you will need to modify the permissions, create a new group or assign users to groups you will not have to rebuild your project. Dynamic Permissions are especially helpful in larger corporations where the application security administrators are not the actual users of ASPRunner.NET software.

Swagger is used to generate useful documentation and help pages for web APIs. This tutorial uses Swagger to test the app. For more information on Swagger, see ASP.NET Core web API documentation with Swagger / OpenAPI.

Swagger is used to generate useful documentation and help pages for web APIs. This tutorial focuses on creating a web API. For more information on Swagger, see ASP.NET Core web API documentation with Swagger / OpenAPI.

On the other hand, as an asp.net developer, you already have the skills and tools necessary for creating websites. So, why do you need yet another platform/stack just for creating static sites? Isn't there a better way?

AspNetStatic lets you leverage ASP.NET Core to create static sites using your existing Razor pages and controller action views, the same way -- whatever way -- you've been creating them all along; no new framework to learn or architectural style to adapt to. Want to use a CMS or a blog engine? No problem. Want to render markdown in your views? No problem. AspNetStatic doesn't care how you produce the page content; it will just generate an optimized static html file for it. No opinions. No fuss!

This client project will have the client code used by my app to access the API each time the project is built. When working locally, with a Web API project in the same solution as a client project that will use that API, it is handy to also set the Web API project to generate the OpenAPI specification document on build. This way, a solution build results in a new OpenAPI file being generated at build-time and the client getting generated at the same time.

Because of the magic of OpenAPI, we now have a strongly typed .NET client that understands the back-end HTTP API. That means we can now focus on our actual business logic, leaving the HTTP internals to the generated client.

Using a generated API client is good for two reasons: 1. The first time through, we start with working HTTP client code quickly. 2. When the backend HTTP service is updated, we can refresh our client in the same Connected Services dialog. This will grab the updated OpenAPI definition and build an updated client, automatically for us.

All very valid questions. The nature of this is that we do the best job we can, like other code generators, of creating boilerplate code, the mundane parts of it that we know 97% of any developer will need to do. We try to leave the remaining details to you, so you can do what you do within the generated code, but not TO the generated code [directly].

OpenAPI has full support for OAuth, so you can describe your security boundary in both OpenAPI and in Swashbuckle and NSwag generation middleware and services. The generated code can be wired up to all the auth libraries and services. The generated code uses HttpClient, the standard for .NET developers that we put out in the BCL, so anything HttpClient can do, the generated code can do.

Hi, just updated studio and checked out this case. It works horribly, the constructed class contains a lot of duplicates and compiles with an error. I can send you by mail the address of our OpenAPI site, where you will find many problems in the generated code. Where can I report this?

Still it would be nice if it still worked in the scenario of a owned API with shared DTO library because calling the API endpoints with typed methods is still nicer than supplying URL segments to HttpClient. Maybe you could have a setting to add the namespace of the shared DTO library (if you have one) when adding the connected service so that the generated code can reuse your existing types rather than creating redundant ones.

As you can see in the above Index view, it contains both HTML and razor codes. Inline razor expression starts with @ symbol. @Html is a helper class to generate HTML controls. You will learn razor syntax and HTML helpers in the coming sections.

In the above authorization, the SignatureUrl has been generated with the provided EmbedSecret key and validated embed details in Bold BI for the dashboard to be rendered in the viewer section of the index.cshtml.

Create a new folder called Controllers. To create a new file called HomeController.cs within the Controllers folder. To get particular dashboard details, define an API AuthorizationServer() using the GetSignatureUrl() method to generate the algorithm. In this API, the embedQuerString,userEmail and the value from the GetSignatureUrl() method are appended as the query parameters in the URL to authorization server of particular dashboard. Include the Newtonsoft.Json, System.Security.Cryptography, System.Net.Http and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespaces. 2351a5e196

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