36th Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (VIB) 

as part of ASME IDETC

Venue: JW Marriott Washington, Washington, DC, USA

Dates: August 25-28, 2024


Mark Jankauski, mark.jankauski@montana.edu

Neda Maghsoodi, maghsoodi@usc.edu

Keegan Moore, kmoore@unl.edu

Keynote speaker announcment

We are excited to announce Dr. Norbert Hoffmann as one of our three keynote speakers at VIB 2024. Dr. Hoffmann is a professor at the Hamburg University Technology and an expert in the areas of nonlinear dynamics, rogue waves, machine learning in dynamical systems and data driven approaches. Please join us in Washington DC to watch Dr. Hoffmann's keynote! 


The 36th Conference on Mechanical Vibration & Noise (VIB) is part of the broader American Society for Mechanical Engineering International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (ASME IDETC) series (https://event.asme.org/IDETC-CIE). 

VIB is a premier technical conference for the research and practice of vibration and sound engineering. The goal goal of the conference is to foster and promote the exchange of ideas and information among engineers and researchers in the vibration and sound community. The conference theme is broad, covering all aspects of vibratory systems. Full papers and abstracts are sought at the forefront of emerging fields, from traditional and non-traditional academic research, and those driven by industrial applications. Experimental, analytical, and computational studies are welcome.

Paper Submission Information

Submit draft papers and presentation only abstracts here

