Northeastern  University 

ASL & Interpreting Education Program 

Student Pro Bono Interpreting Services 

Welcome to Northeastern University's ASLIE Program Student Pro Bono Interpreting Services!

Thank you for visiting the Northeastern University Student Pro Bono interpreting site. Interpreting is a skills based practice which requires students get practical experience inside and outside of the classroom in low-stakes environments.  Please read through the information below prior to filling out the request form. If the assignment you submit is deemed approparite for student interpreters, we will be in touch.  

What is an appropriate request? 

Your request will be screened to ensure that it is an opportunity NOT covered by requirements such as ADA, IDEA, and any other local, state, or federal requirements. Additionally, if consumers are paying for services (e.g., admissions, registration, etc.), this will require qualified interpreters. 

Examples of types of assignments that may be a good fit for interpreting students: 

The more information provided when submitting the request, the easier it will be for us to determine if the assignment is appropriate for interpeting students. 

Please note: anything pertaining to college classes, medical appointments, mental health, police interactions, legal work, or platform assignments are not appropriate for student interpreters. 

How do I request an interpreter if it is not a good fit for student interpreters? 

For events on Northeastern's campus, please contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC). 

For requests in the state of Massachusetts, please contact the Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing  (MCDHH). MCDHH is a statewide interpreter refferal service for various settings. 

When should I submit my request for student interperters? 

Having at least two weeks advance notice on a request is ideal as our students do have busy scheudles and will need enough time to plan accordingly. 

Questions? Please email 


Our interpreting students are interpreters in training. Pro bono interpreting services help provide them with opportunities to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real world experiences. We do not guarantee that the quality of interpreting services will be on par with that of a more experienced professional ASL - English Interpreter. Each request will be reviewed to determine if it is appropriate for student interpreters. If deemed appropriate, we will do our best to connect you with one of our students,depending on their availability, but cannot guarantee that every request will be filled.

If you feel that you have an assignment that would be a good fit for our student interpreters, you can then proceed to fill out the Request Form

If you have any questions, please visit our FAQ page or feel free to contact