
Please be patient as our website is currently under maintenance.

Feel free to contact us with any questions. You can call or email us where someone will answer or reply within 24 hours.

Phone: 954-925-4117

Email: orders@asiavegetable.com

Current Hours of Operation:

Mon-Fri 7:30am-1pm

Sat-Sun Closed

Please read below to see the steps we are taking to ensure the safety of our employees, customers, and any visitors.

Sanitation and Reduced hours

To better serve our customers, our company will be open to the public till 1pm on weekdays to allow for associates to perform additional preventative sanitation and disinfection routines.

Visitors and Customers

For the safety of all involved, only employees will be allowed to inside the facility for the time being. All customers are required to stay outside of the loading docks and a staff member will come to assist you. Visitors will not be allowed on premise.


Please note that no drivers will be allowed to enter the building. A staff associate will come to assist you at the loading docks. All shipping and receiving will be performed by appointment only.

Asia Vegetable will continue to serve and support the community while reducing the risk of COVID-19 infection.

Thank you for your cooperation.