Ashwin Kambhampati

(ush-win come-bum-paw-tea)

PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2021

Assistant Professor of Economics, United States Naval Academy

My research is in the area of microeconomic theory. I am particularly interested in contract theory, mechanism design, and matching.

Since joining USNA in Fall 2021, I have taught three class sections per semester. In Fall 2024, I will teach two sections of SM275 (Mathematical Methods for Economics) and one section of SE450 (Game Theory). In the past, I have taught a Capstone Seminar in Microeconomic Theory, Industrial Organization, and Intermediate Microeconomics.

Email: kambhamp [at]



Theoretical Economics, July 2024, Vol. 19.

Earlier version. Even earlier abstract published in EC '21.

Journal of Economic Theory, January 2023, Vol. 207.

Final working paper here.

RAND Journal of Economics, Fall 2022, Vol. 53.

Final working paper here. Companion working paper here. Online Appendices here.

Economics Letters, August 2023, Vol. 229.

Final working paper here. This is Ryan's AY2023 honors project, co-supervised with Scott.

Working Papers

Revised and resubmitted (second round) to Games and Economic Behavior.

Revised and resubmitted to Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

A continuous version of Matching to Produce Information: A Model of Self-Organized Research Teams (Online Appendix) with a complete characterization of inefficiency.

In Progress

Proper Robustness and the Efficiency of Monopoly Screening

Service Assignment at the United States Naval Academy, with CDR Chad Redmer and Naomi Utgoff


A Theory of Firm Boundaries with Long-Run Incentives and At-Will Employment, with Gorkem Bostanci

Search Committees with Disparate Costs, with Nageeb Ali and Aislinn Bohren