Adapting Videos for Learning on Smart Glasses while Walking 


Users' experience viewing video lectures on phones for learning while walking is suboptimal. We explored how smart glasses, with its heads-up, see-through viewability, and hands-free access, can better facilitate learning from videos while walking than phones. We developed a video presentation style called Layered Serial Visual Presentation (LSVP) to enable learning on smart glasses. As opposed to phones, videos adapted into LSVP on smart glasses improved recall while allowing faster walking speed, especially during complex navigation scenarios. Check out the publications below to learn more. You can also find the news article covering it here.

Relevant Publications

CHI ' 22

Does Dynamically Drawn Text Improve Learning? Investigating the Effect of Text Presentation Styles in Video Learning. Ashwin Ram, and Shengdong Zhao. ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

IMWUT ' 21

LSVP: Towards Effective On-the-Go Video Learning Using Optical Head-Mounted Displays. Ashwin Ram, and Shengdong Zhao. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies