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Signs of infidelity


So, you are concerned that your spouse/partner is going the way of infidelity?

But, you are not sure that it is indeed infidelity that you might encounter. You can't believe it. Yet, something seems rather strange. Are these signs of infidelity, or is it just "in your head?"

Quirky, unexpected and unexplained behaviors pop up. You scratch your head and say, "Where did this come from? Do you suppose s/he is unfaithful and is flirting with infidelity?"

The signs of infidelity can be many. And the signs of infidelity may differ remarkably depending on the kind of affair or infidelity it is.

Signs of Infidelity and Infidelity Type

Infidelity type #1: My Marriage Made Me Do It

1. Comes home late or from an outing (because s/he needs his/her "space") and without any apparent reason rips into you. You think, "Where did that come from?"

2. Assumes less and less responsibility around the home for cleaning, parenting, and mutual responsibilities that were once shared. Often it seems s/he can't wait to leave.

Infidelity type #2: I Can't Say No!

1. Wakes up in the morning using Irish Spring, comes home late at night and showers with Safeguard.

2. The lying and deception (which you noticed was somewhat habitual, i.e. lying or avoiding the truth when there was no need) becomes more pronounced and persistent.

Infidelity type #3: I Don't Want to Say No.

1. Becomes even more cocky and arrogant than usual. Less attention is given to you. S/he may target more derisive comments at you.

2. You begin finding a paper, phone, email trail. S/he of this kind of infidelity is often not very careful in hiding what s/he does, since the narcissistic streak in him/her believes s/he will not run into problems, or if s/he does, s/he can easy navigate and minimize the situation.

Infidelity type #4: I Fell out of Love... and just love being in love

1. You begin picking up on statements such as, "I'm not happy anymore. Something is missing." "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person at a time?" This may progress to, "I'm not happy in my relationship with you" and eventually to "I love you, but am not 'in love' with you anymore."

2. She excessively (mostly female trait) buys new underwear.

Infidelity type #5: I Want to Get Back at Him/Her

1. Oh the tension! It ramps up a number of notches and you can cut it with a knife when you are around each other. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

2. The tension is broken by an increase in the whining and complaining. S/he consistently seems on the edge of snapping.

3. She buys a cell phone and doesn't let you know.

Infidelity type #6: I Need to Prove my Desirability

1. More and more withdrawn. Stares into space. Not "there." Hello, anyone home?

2. Does not want to have sex with you anymore. Or sex seems strained, as if s/he is less into it than normally.

Infidelity type #7: I Want to Be Close to Some one.. but can't stand intimacy

1. Discloses less and less about him/herself - although this was never one of his/her strong suites.

2. You discover one day that instead of going to work as usual, s/he took the day off and never told you.

Signs of Infidelity - THE Most Important Clue

Of course there are many many more signs that might emerge. Please know that each kind or type of affair has it's own set of clues or signs. However, as with any categories, there is often overlap.

The MAIN clue or sign of infidelity - your gut. Yes, your feelings, your intuition, the little voice within is terribly accurate.

If infidelity is in your relationship, this part of you most likely knows it and will send you messages that you can heed.

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