Ashland Local 1275

Teachers from our Executive Board and Membership worked to build a Little Library and donate books to students. Mike Weaver, our Fundraising Chair, built the library. Kim Thorp, our Elementary Steward, helped organize the book grant.

Executive Board Meetings:

  • the second Tuesday of the month - unless otherwise determined

Stand Up/Building Meetings:

  • AHS / OPS: day to be determined - contact your steward

  • AMS: day to be determined - contact your steward

  • LSE/LSLC: the third Thursday of each month

  • MVS: day to be determined - contact your steward

Union Leadership and Administration Leadership Meetings:

  • Janelle, Kristin, Erik and Dani

  • the fourth Tuesday of the month

Union Updates: sent every month/ every other month, and as important information is shared

Meet the Leadership

President: Janelle Seeger

Vice President: Kristin Nye

Secretary: Nikki Sprague

Treasurer: Kathy Krenz-Lasee

AHS/OPS Stewards: Marie McFarlane and Laura Kruse

AMS Stewards: Shannon Pearce and Bev Dahl

LSI/LSLC Stewards: Kim Thorp and Katie Groeschel

LSP Stewards: Ann Cameron and Beth Lajcak

MVS Steward: Shari Weiss

Budget and Fundraising: Mike Weaver

Constitution: Available Position

Education Issues: Nadine Miller

Grievance: Position Available

Inservice: Anna Dufford

Insurance: Jon Flynn

Publicity: Available Postion

COPE/Legislative Ed Issues: Available Position

Membership: Gretchen Burke

Remember to contact your building stewards if you have any questions, concerns, or positive feedback!