Privacy Policy

Welcome to Today Translate. This Privacy Policy will describe in detail the information we collect about you when you use My Today Translate, which may include personal information and device information. Your information is very important to us, and we are committed to protecting your privacy, but in order to provide you with better services and improve our products, the provision of some information is unavoidable. Please rest assured that we will do our best to protect your information security. If you continue to retain or continue to use this application, it means that you accept and be bound by the content of this policy.

Information We Collect

--personal information

The types of personal data that Today Translate collects in the course of providing its services include: cookies, unique device identifiers, and geographic location for advertising.

Personal data may be provided by the user as an option, or it may be collected automatically when using the application.

Unless otherwise stated, all data requested by this application is mandatory and failure to provide this data may result in the inability of this application to provide its services. If this application expressly states that certain data is not mandatory, the user is free not to communicate such data without affecting the availability or functionality of the service.

-- usage data

Today Translate will collect your usage information, including page browsing, function usage, and app crashes. In addition, when you use photo translation and voice translation functions, you need to provide pictures and sounds.

Uses We Collect Information

Today Translate collects data about users in order to enable the owner to provide its services, comply with its legal obligations, respond to law enforcement requests, protect its (or the rights and interests of its users or third parties), detect any malicious or fraudulent activity, and the following: Content: Administering support and contact requests, advertising, analytics, improving our products and services.

Share Your Information

We will only share your information with third parties as described in this Privacy Policy.

If it is necessary to connect to external services of third parties, we select third parties who are able to ensure that they implement all necessary technical and organizational measures to protect users' personal data. However, we can not guarantee the security of any information transmitted from us to any such third parties. We will not be liable for any accidental loss or unauthorized access to your personal data due to the fault of third parties.

We will not rent, sell, or transfer your personal data to any third party, but we may share information from tools such as log files, device identifiers, and location data with third-party organizations that provide automated data processing technology for the app . We do not control or influence these third parties' tracking technologies or how they are used.

We may also share certain information, such as cookie data, with third-party ad servers. Third-party ad networks will serve targeted advertisements that they believe will be of greatest interest to you. This will also improve your advertising experience.

How long will we keep your information

We generally retain your personal information for as long as necessary to perform the functional services of the App and to comply with our legal obligations.


The security of your personal information is very important to us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect personal letters submitted to us.

We will take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, both during transmission and when we receive it, taking into account the risks involved and the nature of personal information.

However, no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. We do our best to protect your personal data, but we can not guarantee its absolute security. If your personal information is disclosed due to a security breach, we will promptly notify you in accordance with applicable laws.


Our app is not intended for children under the age of 13.

If you are under the age of 13, please do not use or provide any information on this app or through any of its features. If you believe we may have any information from or about a child under the age of 13, please contact us.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at: