League of Legends Lecture

League of Legends Lecture is designed to explore the complex world of League of Legends through various lenses, such as eSports, gameplay, and psychology. Students will study the game and apply what they learn in class to their own gameplay through weekly homework assignments.

The course is aimed at people who are committed to improving their skill and rank in League of Legends through consistent practice, studying their play history, and learning the basics of the champions they play. It is not suited for players who are purely casual or playing the game for fun, as there is no time to spend on the things that don't directly contribute to your ranked progress (skill & kda boosting solo queue spam).

Like any video game, League of Legends produces conflict in its community and around it. Not just the tense, often heated exchanges of in-game battles, but the conflicts that emerge from the very structure of the game itself. For example, when a player meets an unfamiliar teammate or encounters an opponent who doesn't agree with their play style, the resulting tension can escalate into full-on fights. These spats create the toxic atmosphere that League of Legends is notorious for. But can we learn to minimize the conflict and still find a place in our lives for this incredible game?롤대리