



Welcome to ASAP!

One Community at a Time

Our beloved Earth is suffering and people around the world are beginning to feel the effects of it. Every day we hear more stories about the horrible consequences of our unsustainable society, but at the same time, we also see more people informing themselves on this issue and demanding action. At ASAP, we believe in the power of giving individuals the resources they need to better understand this complex issue, and in providing for them a space in which they can see how others are getting involved so they can feel inspired to do so as well. We hope that by helping one individual at a time create change in their own lives and community, we will be able to grow the climate activism movement worldwide.

The Problem

An unsustainable society pushing us to the brink of extinction.

One third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally. This would be sufficient to feed 2 billion people.

(World Food Programme)

5000 children die every day as a result of diseases obtained from drinking unclean water.

(Center of Disease Control and Prevention)

The U.S produces 30% of the world's waste and uses 25% of the world's natural resources.

(Conserve Energy Future)

Climate change is linked to 5 million deaths a year which is almost 10% of global deaths.


We Need Informed Activists

How can we take action if we don't understand the issue at hand and its consequences? 

Click on the different buttons below to dive deeper into areas of the climate crisis that you want to learn more about!

We Need Action

Individual action -> community action -> national action -> world action