Therefore, my recommendation to our team has always been - while the task is in production, files are in Asana. Once the task is complete and the files are finalized, then the final file is stored in our shared drive. Files only need to go in Dropbox if they are being shared externally. The question comes back, who is responsible for ensuring the finalized file is placed where it needs to go? The person who completed the task or the person who is the receiver or approver?

We struggle with that here as well. Does your organization used SharePoint or OneDrive? We have been using that type of share drive to save documents and we will use the link in Asana to point to the file. This might solve your issues with moving files around. Asana and OneDrive are not currently working optimally, which is the major drawback.

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I agree Asana is not the best tool for storing files. Even worse if your organization is already storing files in another location. Then you have to worry is the file in Asana or the other location and rummage around in multiple locations.

Glad to see this topic here! The template documents are stored in a separate task called template documents under each section within my own workload project. Similar to what James mentioned (option 2). My question is: how does everyone manage documents and files uploaded to a project. The file tab is certainly very basic and I believe can be enhanced to allow more visibility and quick searched within projects. Any thoughts?

Yes! I just ran across this 2 years later but I LOVE that idea I hope someone at ASANA is listening! Many times I end up attaching dropbox images to the files tab because it is convenient to have a quick look at our designs for our bandanas for example.

It would certainly be good to at a minimum be able to share a folder from the particular file sharing service and not only specific files. It would be an added bonus if you could browse and manipulate that folder straight from within Asana (in grid or file list view).

At a minimum, I would like to be able to label files. We keep a lot of drafts in our discussion of files. Labeling them as such and being able to label the final versions is essential. Even Basecamp has this feature.

We often refer to the File View for files that were attached to tasks, conversations, etc. and it would be great to have some ability to sort, filter, create folders with the File View to better organize and review all files associated with the project.

Also, a Global File section would be interesting as a catalog or database of files in our Organization, or by Portfolio that were created or added for our projects.

It is vital to keep in mind that you do not need to worry about finding a particular file format as Asana supports multiple formats like PDFs, Word Docs, Excel Spreadsheets, PowerPoint Presentations, Images files among others.

When it comes to organizing digital documents in Asana, utilizing folders and projects is crucial. By structuring materials in a logical manner, it becomes easier to locate and share critical information with team members. Folders can be created to compartmentalize various types of material, such as legal documents, marketing assets or HR files. Additionally, project-specific information can be housed within individual projects.

In addition to the previous points, Asana provides comprehensive document storage and organization features. This platform ensures that all files uploaded into its framework are easy to find later due to keyword tagging, advanced search functions, and other organizational tools.

Asana can be used for document management by creating a project and adding relevant tasks and subtasks that contain files to be shared. You can add files to tasks, comments, and conversations. Asana also allows for easy collaboration and communication around those files.

Asana has several security features in place, starting with encrypting data at rest and in motion. Asana also has strict access controls and a dedicated security team that monitors the platform 24/7. Users can also add password protection to their files in Asana for an extra layer of security.

I and my office use Asana for project management, and that platform allows for users to attach documents to project tasks from Dropbox (which is completely awesome). However, as of now the documents that are in Paper are not available to attach - it would be wonderful if a team that is collaborating using Paper could also attach that document to the shared task in Asana so that everything is all in one place. It works so great for the rest of one's Dropbox files, so adding that functionality to Paper would be perfect!

A heavily requested feature for Asana users of Bridge24, we are excited to provide access to the Asana File Download Manager. This allows the punctual or bulk download of files (attachments) associated with tasks (documents, images, others) within a task, a search set of tasks, a project, or across multiple projects.

It has been optimized to track the transfer status and provides an index and log in structured zip files. Whether just with a few attachments or a full backup of 10s of GBs of files, this feature is robust and gets the job done!

Am trying to automate the process of saving design files (images, videos and PDFs) complete and uploaded by the designer on Asana to our Google shared drive.

Each time I test the process a .txt file is uploaded instead of the intented files listed above.

Apps can be built and then shared with other Asana users or they can be built just for your organization. Apps can be built for individual users, for example Google Drive which attaches Google files to tasks. Apps can also be built to run org-level processes. For example like onboarding users from Okta or running custom scripts.

I believe the problem the OP is having is not related to the import step, but the export step. Exporting from asana to CSV does not appear to include comments or attached images. If they are not included in the CSV export, then there is nothing to map in Jira. I have the same problem. @Malin Rathjen Did you ever solve this issue?

So I figured out that I cant add data in to my macro excel files so I think I'm going to have to make a new normal excel, copy the data into that and use a macro within excel to pull that data back into it if that's posable, that said if theres a way around this I'm all ears!

This is where I need help! I need to pull the rest of that data from all the fields in that asana task and put it in that new macro excel book file or at lease a normal one! everything I try seems to fail? could someone show me how to string this properly, been at it for hours lol I'm sure this is a 30 sec thing for most of you.

Can anyone help me with a path to take? im still having problems with this, one is pulling all the info from the task as there is custom fields and only think that i can seem to find is task name and description! i do have the option to put all the info from the asana form into the description but that leads to 2 problems, first all that info ends up in one cell on excel and 2nd problem is i dont want it to show up like that on my asana board as i use that for our job progress tracker

another option is i can use Microsoft forms, works for getting info into its own cells on excel but then same problem with asana, all the info is in only 2 places and i dont get the same options with Microsoft like multi select in the form creation.

Unito is hands-down one of the best ways to integrate Asana with Excel. Instead of manually exporting data from Asana using CSV files, your Asana tasks will automatically be synced to Excel rows. That means you can export them and keep them updated with a single platform.

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage solutions allowing users to upload and save files. Files can be accessed from any device, such as laptops, iPads, mobile phones, etc. Google Drive also provides offline access, which means users can download files on their devices and use them without having to connect to the Internet.

Set a valid name for the integration and select the source connection as Asana. Select the Target Type as CSV (To storage service) and the connection as Google Drive. Optionally, you can select a folder in the Google Drive account under which the files will be exported.

By default, this package runs using your destination and the asana schema. If this is not where your Asana data is (for example, if your Asana schema is named asana_fivetran), add the following configuration to your root dbt_project.yml file:

By default this package will build the Asana staging models within a schema titled ( + _stg_asana) in your destination. If this is not where you would like your Asana staging data to be written to, add the following configuration to your root dbt_project.yml file:

This is a straightforward way to export your data from Asana to excel if the need arises. As well as exporting data from Asana, you can attach Excel files to the Asana tasks and projects using the paperclip icon on the task or adding to the project overview.

The data model exposed by our JDBC Drivers can easily be customized to add or remove tables/columns, change data types, etc. without requiring a new build. These customizations are supported at runtime using human-readable schema files that are easy to edit.

Easily import CSV files, created by different tools, using different separators, and containing data in different encodings. Skyvia provides CSV options that you can adjust for a wide variety of CSV files.

With multiple teams collaborating on a single project, it can be challenging to manage tasks across the teams and meet deadlines. Hence, it becomes essential to have a Project Management Solution that can help in managing the work in an efficient and reliable manner. Asana is one such tool that is widely used to drive projects, achieve team objectives and synchronize different tasks. Sometimes working on a high-impact project might require you to store many files; Google Drive is one of the most popular Cloud Storage solutions used to store data without any hassle. With two of these needs coinciding, an Asana Google Drive Integration makes sense. 2351a5e196

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