
In defense of defense in the attack-obsessed culture of world football via Xbox One

EA Sports FIFA

Pro Clubs is littered with impatient attacking midfielders, selfish strikers and unimaginative wingers who either don't know or lack the the integrity to understand that defense begins up top.

Defenders spend most of their time playing against an average 90 rating attack and often alone because you don't have the guts to drop back.

Meanwhile, you stumble directly down the center of the pitch with hopeless lobs and careless spin moves against a 75 average rated defense.

You still have the audacity to talk down on those of us with the patience, intelligence and discipline to perform the underrated act of defence.

The AI has always suffered your flaws and allowed you to blame them for your failures. Now, they have support.

We Dare To Defend.

Don't you?

Xbox Live: Lumierod

YouTube Playlist

Play Defense Playlist on YouTube

#DareToDefend and the State of Soccer in America

APRIL 4, 2020--After a long night of disappointed matchmaking and defending alone, Lumiero closes this live stream on Mixer with an instrospect into FIFA 20 Pro Clubs' toxic masculinity, failure to practice discipline and how they may be connected to the current landscape of Soccer in America, including the USMNT not making the World Cup.

Watch the video and read the transcript on Lumiero Elaborates on #DareToDefend

Reading: Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Soccer Tactics by Jonathan Wilson

Reading and exercising the mind, especially in sport, equally as important as it is to strengthen the body. Every so often, (schedule TBD) Lumiero will be reading from the remarkable account of Formation in World Football since the game began.

Watch highlights and learn more about this book on Inverting The Pyramid on #DareToDefend