Odyssey Photo Contest #3

From February 21 to 28 on Assassin's Creed: Odyssey\ #photolumiero

AC: Odyssey Photo Contest #3

Watch #goLUMIERO on Twitch Weeknights at 9 pm PST

In the latest update, Ubisoft announced it's holding another Photo Mode Contest. This time, the world of Ancient Greece will see a winter wonderland with your favorite locations covered in snow.

This is, of course, a wonderful photo op! That's not all, Odyssey Photo Mode will now feature frames to further customize your captures before submitting them to the contest!

This month, the Grand Prize is a Spartan Collectors Edition of Assassin's Creed: Odyssey!

In related news, for the weekend of February 21st, I'm dedicating every night of streaming to Assassin's Creed: Odyssey and the contest. A #PhotoLumiero Special Event on Twitch begins at 9pm PST while submissions are still open.


Josh\ #goLUMIERO\ #PhotoLumiero\ #ACLumiero

These are some of the Winter Themed images I've captured so far

Only one image can be submitted per entrant so, let me know on Twitter @goLUMIERO which one is the best.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Today was the first day of the contest. I collected some captures that I like but, I believe I can do better still. With the Winter Theme, I was obsessed with Kassandra's breath being visible and I think I focused on it too much. It might be a bit too "on the nose".

There seems to only be one location that has accessible snow, that is in Lakonia. I spent a good amount of time searching the map for more but, I couldn't find anything.

One other thing, I was disappointed that I couldn't remove the helmet. I know, the gear plays a vital role in playing the game but, for photographic purposes, I felt limited. So, on the next stream, I'll be starting a new game and trying to get to the mountains with the most basic Kassandra gear.

#32 Team

#28 Kassandra Breath

#35 Still Far To Go

#40 Fire In The Eyes