You can use the REST API to download, delete, and retrieve information about workflow artifacts in GitHub Actions. Artifacts enable you to share data between jobs in a workflow and store data once that workflow has completed. For more information, see "Storing workflow data as artifacts."

Lists all artifacts for a repository. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint.

Artifact Download Github Actions


Gets a specific artifact for a workflow run. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint.

Lists artifacts for a workflow run. Anyone with read access to the repository can use this endpoint. If the repository is private you must use an access token with the repo scope. GitHub Apps must have the actions:read permission to use this endpoint.

Artifacts allow you to persist data after a job has completed, and share that data with another job in the same workflow. An artifact is a file or collection of files produced during a workflow run. For example, you can use artifacts to save your build and test output after a workflow run has ended. All actions and workflows called within a run have write access to that run's artifacts.

By default, GitHub stores build logs and artifacts for 90 days, and this retention period can be customized. For more information, see "Usage limits, billing, and administration." The retention period for a pull request restarts each time someone pushes a new commit to the pull request.

Storing artifacts uses storage space on GitHub. GitHub Actions usage is free for standard GitHub-hosted runners in public repositories, and for self-hosted runners. For private repositories, each GitHub account receives a certain amount of free minutes and storage for use with GitHub-hosted runners, depending on the account's plan. Any usage beyond the included amounts is controlled by spending limits. For more information, see "Managing billing for GitHub Actions."

Artifacts are uploaded during a workflow run, and you can view an artifact's name and size in the UI. When an artifact is downloaded using the GitHub UI, all files that were individually uploaded as part of the artifact get zipped together into a single file. This means that billing is calculated based on the size of the uploaded artifact and not the size of the zip file.

You can use the upload-artifact action to upload artifacts. When uploading an artifact, you can specify a single file or directory, or multiple files or directories. You can also exclude certain files or directories, and use wildcard patterns. We recommend that you provide a name for an artifact, but if no name is provided then artifact will be used as the default name. For more information on syntax, see the actions/upload-artifact action.

You can define a custom retention period for individual artifacts created by a workflow. When using a workflow to create a new artifact, you can use retention-days with the upload-artifact action. This example demonstrates how to set a custom retention period of 5 days for the artifact named my-artifact:

After a workflow run has been completed, you can download or delete artifacts on GitHub or using the REST API. For more information, see "Downloading workflow artifacts," "Removing workflow artifacts," and the "Actions."

You can use the upload-artifact and download-artifact actions to share data between jobs in a workflow. This example workflow illustrates how to pass data between jobs in the same workflow. For more information, see the actions/upload-artifact and download-artifact actions.

Jobs that are dependent on a previous job's artifacts must wait for the dependent job to complete successfully. This workflow uses the needs keyword to ensure that job_1, job_2, and job_3 run sequentially. For example, job_2 requires job_1 using the needs: job_1 syntax.

I'm new to Github Actions.I have a project using node_modules. I would like to create artifact files without including node_modules on Github Actions since with node_modules it takes a while to create and download because of the file size.Is there a way to do this?

The closest thing I can find in GitHub Actions is "actions/upload-artifact@v2", however this more similarly resembles Azure DevOps' "Publish build artifacts". I get the use case and understand what I could use it for, but I want to see if I can upload an entire Pipeline/workflow in a package, rather than file by file.

In Azure DevOps, my pipeline runs in < 5-7 minutes because I can use the "Publish Pipeline Artifacts" task, but in GitHub Actions, I only have the "actions/upload-artifact@v2" action and now it takes up to 3 hours to do the same automation tasks. (Insane difference!). I think the added time is due to the upload/publish task in GitHub Actions going file by file whereas in Azure DevOps, the upload/publish task somehow condenses it all and it only takes ~1 minute for it to finish.

When this build runs, the status page of the workflow will include a link to download a file named, which will contain the three files named alpha.html, bravo.html and charlie.html. This proves that the script works and makes the GitHub Action artifacts available for download.

We listened to your feedback and released new versions (v4) of actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact. While this version of the artifact actions includes up to 10x performance improvements and several new features, there are also key differences from previous versions that may require updates to your workflows.

This article explains how to use GitHub Actions artifacts. Earthly significantly cuts GitHub Action build times with its parallel build capabilities that work right in GitHub Actions. Check it out.

Artifacts represent the final or intermediate products of these build pipelines. In a build pipeline, the artifacts typically consist of executable binaries created at its end. Conversely, a test pipeline might generate artifacts in the form of test logs and results as files. These artifacts can then be used to update statuses across pull requests or commits. Some more use cases where uploading/downloading artifacts might come in handy include the following:

This job makes use of the needs node to define a dependency on the build job, which means that it will not start running until the build job completes running. This lets the artifacts upload successfully before the job tries to download them.

The job starts by using the actions/download-artifact@v3 action to download the artifact named Build (specified by the name input argument) at the location build (specified by the path input argument).

Neither of those arguments is mandatory. Omitting the name argument means that the action downloads all artifacts that are available for download. Omitting the path argument means that the action downloads the artifacts to the current working directory of the actions runtime.

Once the artifact named Build is downloaded at the location build/, the next step packages it into a ZIP file using the zip command. Finally, the ncipollo/release-action@v1 action is used to upload the file to a new release created and associated with the tag that triggered this workflow run.

The download-artifacts job first looks for the artifact to download using its name (ie Build) and sets up the directory structure for it (ie creates the destination path build/ where the downloaded files are stored), counts the number of files to download, and then downloads them. You can further explore the logs of the other steps to see how the files were packaged and added to the new release.

This demonstrates that the artifacts were successfully downloaded from the GitHub runtime and uploaded to GitHub releases. The workflow created in this tutorial can be used as a simple workflow for creating releases on your Node.js-based projects. You can learn more about the upload and download actions from the GitHub documentation (upload-artifacts and download-artifacts).

GitHub Actions is a popular solution for build pipelines. Actions such as upload-artifacts and download-artifacts allow you to easily upload and download build artifacts and other files in between workflows. Additionally, they allow you to collect artifacts as workflow run results as well as use artifacts across multiple jobs in a workflow.

Together with the pull_request_target, a new trigger workflow_run was introduced to enable scenarios that require building the untrusted code and also need write permissions to update the PR with e.g. code coverage results or other test results. To do this in a secure manner, the untrusted code must be handled via the pull_request trigger so that it is isolated in an unprivileged environment. The workflow processing the PR should then store any results like code coverage or failed/passed tests in artifacts and exit. The following workflow then starts on workflow_run where it is granted write permission to the target repository and access to repository secrets, so that it can download the artifacts and make any necessary modifications to the repository or interact with third party services that require repository secrets (e.g. API tokens).

As you can see, the usage of two workflows and passing around workflow artifacts introduces some overhead. If your workflow scenario simply requires commenting on the PR, but does not require a check out of the modified code, using pull_request_target is a logical shortcut.

We have also noticed a pattern that has a vulnerable intent of use, however due to misunderstanding of pull_request_target ends up being a broken, but not vulnerable, workflow. In these cases, repositories switched to using the pull_request_target trigger, but use the default values for the actions/checkout action, for example: 006ab0faaa

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