Arthur Soulié
Institution : Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) - Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme.
Poste : Chargé de recherche du CNRS.
Courriels : artsou [AT] hotmail . fr, arthur . soulie [AT] unicaen . fr (changer "[AT]" en "@" et retirer les espaces).
Bureau : S3 239, Université de Caen, UFR des Sciences, Laboratoire LMNO, Campus II 14032 Caen cedex, France.
Domaines de recherches : topologie algébrique, algèbre homologique, théorie des représentations, homologie des foncteurs, groupes de tresses, groupes des difféotopies.
Publications :
Arthur Soulié. The Long–Moody construction and polynomial functors. Annales de l’Institut Fourier, 69 n°4 p. 1799–1856, 2019. Journal, arXiv:1702.08279.
Arthur Soulié. Some computations of stable twisted homology for mapping class groups. Communications in Algebra, 48 n°6, 2467–2491, 2020. Journal, arXiv:1811.02801.
Avertissement : voir le corrigendum pour une correction de la démonstration du Lemme 3.10.Paolo Bellingeri and Arthur Soulié. A note on representations of welded braid groups. Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 29 n°12, 2050082, 21, 2020. Journal, arXiv:2001.04272.
Arthur Soulié. Generalized Long-Moody functors. Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 22.4 (2022), pp. 1713–1788. Journal, arXiv:1709.04278.
Martin Palmer and Arthur Soulié. The Burau representations of loop braid groups. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique, Tome 360 (2022), pp. 781-797. Journal, arXiv:2109.11468.
Arthur Soulié and Akihiro Takano. Extensions of the Tong-Yang-Ma representation. Topology and its Applications, Volume 325, pp. 108393, 2023. Journal, arXiv:2012.03767.
Jacques Darné, Martin Palmer and Arthur Soulié. When the lower central series stops: a comprehensive study for braid groups and their relatives. À paraître aux Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society. Journal, arxiv:2201.03542.
Martin Palmer and Arthur Soulié. Topological representations of motion groups and mapping class groups – a unified functorial construction. Annales Henri Lebesgue 7 (2024), pp. 409–519. Journal, arXiv:1910.13423.
Nariya Kawazumi and Arthur Soulié. Stable twisted cohomology of the mapping class groups in the unit tangent bundle homology. À paraître au Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society. Journal, arXiv:2211.02793.
Prépublications :
Martin Palmer and Arthur Soulié. The pro-nilpotent Lawrence-Krammer-Bigelow representation. Preprint arXiv:2211.01855. Soumis.
Martin Palmer and Arthur Soulié. Polynomiality of surface braid and mapping class group representations. Preprint arXiv:2302.08827. Soumis.
Nariya Kawazumi and Arthur Soulié. Stable twisted cohomology of the mapping class groups in the exterior powers of the unit tangent bundle homology. Preprint arxiv:2311.01791. Soumis.
Actes de conférences :
Arthur Soulié. Long-Moody constructions and generalizations. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) Report No. 2/2018, Topology of Arrangements and Representation Stability. DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2018/2. Link
PhD thesis under the supervision of Christine Vespa, 2018. Foncteurs de Long-Moody et homologie stable des groupes de difféotopie. Available on TEL.
Master thesis under the supervision of Christine Vespa, 2015. Stabilité homologique pour les groupes d'automorphismes (d'après Randal-Williams et Wahl).
Dissertation for the first year of Magistère under the supervision of Vincent Blanloeil, 2013. Le théorème du h-cobordisme.
20.01.2023: Seminar "Topologie" of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (Lille, France).
13.01.2023: Seminar "Topologie" of the Institut Fourier (Grenoble, France).
28.07.2022: Moduli and Friends Seminar (Bucharest, Romania).
11.04.2022: Moduli and Friends Seminar (Bucharest, Romania).
04.04.2022: Algebraic & Geometric Topology Seminar of the University of Nevada, Reno (Reno, United-States of America).
18.01.2022: Algebraic Topology Seminar at the Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium).
30.11.2021: Topology Seminar at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany).
28.04.2021: Second meeting of the ANR-19-CE40-0001-01 AlMaRe (Grenoble/Online, France).
16.04.2021: Copenhagen Algebra/Topology Seminar (Copenhagen, Denmark)
09.12.2020: Algebra Seminar of the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, United-Kingdom).
20.02.2020: Thematic School of the CNRS Winter Braids X at the Centro De Giorgi (Pise, Italie).
12.02.2020: Topology Seminar at the University of Aberdeen (Aberdeen, United-Kingdom).
16.01.2020: Geometry and Topology Seminar at Durham University (Durham, United-Kingdom).
18.11.2019: Geometry and Topology Seminar at the University of Glasgow (Glasgow, Royaume-Uni).
13.11.2019: Differential Geometry and Topology Seminar at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United-Kingdom).
29.10.2019: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the University d'Artois (Arras, France).
10.01.2019: Geometry and Dynamical system Seminar of the Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (Dijon, France).
23.10.2018: Introductory talk of mini-course for the Annual Meeting of the GDR 2875 at the IMAG (Montpellier, France).
25.09.2018: Algebra and Geometry seminar of the Laboratoire Nicolas Oresme (Caen, France).
10.09.2018: Workshop "Cohomological study of mapping class groups and related topics" (Strasbourg, France).
04.07.2018: Working seminar on homological stability of the GDR 2875 at the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé.
18.05.2018: Topology seminar of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (Lille, France).
06.04.2018: Geometry Colloquium at Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan).
05.04.2018: Discrete Geometric Structure Seminars at Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan).
07.03.2018: Shinshu Topology seminar at Shinshu University (Matsumoto, Japan).
17.01.2018: Workshop on Topology of Arrangements and Representation Stability at the MFO (Oberwolfach, Germany).
12.12.2017: Topology Seminar at the Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn (Bonn, Germany).
19.10.2017: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the University Paris Diderot (Paris, France).
03.07.2017: Stockholm Mathematics Centre (Stockholm, Sweden) - Young topologists Meeting 2017.
26.06.2017: Topology Seminar of the University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark).
13.06.2017: Algebra and Topology seminar of the IRMA (Strasbourg, France).
26.05.2017: Workshop on Johnson homomorphisms and related topics 2017 at the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan).
11.05.2017: Seminar of the PhD students of the IRMA (Strasbourg, France).
16.03.2017: Topology seminar of the IMAG (Montpellier, France).
02.02.2017: Working seminar on infinite categories at the IRMA (Strasbourg, France).
06.01.2017: Working seminar on infinite categories at the IRMA (Strasbourg, France).
10.12.2015: Seminar of the PhD students of the IRMA (Strasbourg, France).
February 2023: Workshop « Configuration spaces and related topics » at the Kyungpook National UNiversity (Daegu, South Korea).
Spring 2022: Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics Spring 2022 Workshops (Online): Braids in Representation Theory and Algebraic Combinatorics; Braids in Symplectic and Algebraic Geometry; Braids in Low-Dimensional Topology.
December 2021: Meeting of the GDR 2105 “Braids and low-dimensional topology” at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (Dijon, France).
September 2021: Meeting of the GDR 2105 “Braids and low-dimensional topology” at the Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (Dijon, France).
April 2021: Second meeting of the ANR-19-CE40-0001-01 AlMaRe (Grenoble/Online, France).
February 2021: Workshop « Homological and quantum invariants » at the Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille/en ligne, France).
February 2020: Thematic School of the CNRS Winter Braids X at the Centro de Giorgi (Pisa, Italy).
January 2020: First meeting of the ANR-19-CE40-0001-01 AlMaRe (Dijon, France).
October 2019: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the University of Artois (Arras, France).
October 2019: Journées Normandes en Topologie at the University of Caen (Caen, France).
February 2019: Thematic School of the CNRS Winter Braids IX at the Université de Reims (Reims, France).
October 2018: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the IMAG (Montpellier, France).
September 2018: Workshop "Cohomological study of mapping class groups and related topics" at the IRMA (Strasbourg, France).
March 2018: Workshop "Low dimensional topology and number theory X" (Fukuoka, Japan).
October 2017: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the University Paris Diderot (Paris, France).
July 2017: Young topologists Meeting 2017 at the Stockholm Mathematics Centre (Stockholm, Sweden).
May 2017: Workshop on Johnson homomorphisms and related topics 2017 at the University of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan).
February 2017: Workshop on functor homology, homotopy theory and K-Theory and launch meeting of the ANR ChroK (Angers, France).
October 2016: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the LAMFA (Amiens, France).
October 2015: Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse (Toulouse, France).
June 2015: Münster Functor Calculus Workshop at the University of Münster (Münster, Germany).
February 2015: Masterclass : K-théorie topologique et applications à IRMA (Strasbourg).
January 2021: Organization of the online North British Geometric Group Theory Seminar hosted in Glasgow (see the associated website).
October 2018: Organization of the introductory talks for the course of Karen Vogtmann "Automorphism groups of free groups and Outer space" during the Annual meeting of the GDR 2875 at the IMAG (Montpellier, France).
July 2018: Working seminar on homological stability for mapping class groups of surfaces. Workshop organized by the GDR Topologie algébrique for PhD and postdoctoral students at the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (Lille, France).