Zoom & Gather

Zoom Link & Password:

Meeting ID: 836 4839 0559

Note that the Zoom meetings require a passcode, which is included in the announcement email sent to all registered participants on May 11. Recipients can log into the meeting (without needing to enter the passcode) by clicking the Zoom link in that email. If you did not receive the email, please write to VirtARTA.2021@gmail.com to request the passcode.

Zoom Breakout Rooms:

Zoom Breakout Rooms will be open from 8:30 to 13:30 each day of the conference, in lieu of the physical hallways of pre-COVID conferences. Every participant will have the option to enter a room of their choice at any time (if they wish to do so). There will be a room dedicated to the discussion of each talk of the morning session, a number of rooms for discussion of short communications, a number of coffee/tea rooms for socializing, as well as a number of rooms for more private communications between conference participants. For more about how to use Zoom breakout rooms, please see the following videos.


All conference participants are welcome to join the social hours following the last talks on Thursday, May 20 and Friday, May 28. We will start with Zoom as the platform for the social hours and move to Gather.town if there is interest. If so, we will share the Gather.town link in the Zoom chat so that participants can join Gather.town by clicking the link. More details will be announced soon.

For more about how to use Gather.town, please see the following videos.