As per the words of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, the founder of the technique: In sleep, we get rid of fatigue, but the deeper stresses remain in our bodies and minds. Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside. Over 100 independent studies show the benefits of the deep stress detox carried out by Sudarshan Kriya on the mind and body. These sudarshan kriya benefits include:

This experience will not only benefit those who have not done the basic part I course but also to those who have done the course but are irregular with the follow up kriya or having slight doubt in their mind regarding the benefits of the Sudarshan kriya:

Art Of Living Sudarshan Kriya Free Download

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Okay, this is a little disturbing. Frying the mind is pretty serious. I have not tried the Sudarshan Kriya because I found this blog before becoming involved with AoL. The person who recommended I take the course also gets terrible headaches from practicing sudarshan kriya.

i practice guided meditation thats safer and do one long kriya a week sky isnt for everyone and definitely not for me....on a regular basis i practice more traditional forms of yoga once i realised that sky only once a week suits me..but jivani doing the course i actually felt relaxed so i did it as it was reccomeded by my doctor but i dont like aol at all......

Not just this hyperventilation. Enforced limited hours of sleep also damage brain cells.

The imperious , illinformed hindu lobby wants to make yoga compulsory for schoolchildren.Already lots of children have been coerced into doing skriya. Every issue will be given a religious colour by fanatical Indians.

Now language chauvinism in the form of compulsory hindi imposition for all is brewing.Unlike the West , there is no sane institution or competent body for redressal.

Can't we see for ourselves?

I took the basic course at an AOL ashram in Germany a few years ago. The teacher was a friendly young man named Christoph, who seemed sincere but I was amazed at how naive and uneducated he was about breathing practices. First of all, hyperventilating doesn't increase usable oxygen in the cells. Through excessive release of crabon dioxide, hyperventilating leads to oxygen deficiency, the oxygen sticks to the red blood cells and the cells actually needing oxygen go into hyopcapnia. This is well known and the reason why you try to calm down hyperventilation in divers or in people with shock. Second, the nice buzz or lightheadedness after hyperventilation is mostly caused by endorphins released as a response to this oxygen deficiency and no different from the runner's high or other form of stress - related endorphin release. There is nothing particularly healing, physically or emotionally, about such an endorphin release. Spontaneous hyperventilating can sometimes occur during emotional healing, but educated breathing therapists, such as those trained in Reichian breath work, know when to induce this in clients, always with supervision. To turn hyperventilating into a panacea, as if it somehow cleanses the emotions or energy system, is naive to say the least. Breathing practices in spiritual systems also require specific knowledge about what an individual person needs at different times. I have seen Taoist teachers sometimes letting 20 people practice 20 different techniques in one class, because of their ability to read a person's constitution. Advanced yoga practices also tend to be customized to some extend for specific people. When I attended a yoga class many years ago, the teacher taught fire breath (almost identical to sudarsha kriya) but recommended to me to stay away from it because of my firey consitution. Franchising practices and making making one technique into a panacea is out of touch with life. It is also devoid of real compassion, because compassion must be rooted in a deep acceptance of human nature, which means there are no overly simplistic solutions to all problems. When a spiritual technique is sold as a universal solution to all problems, most people will fail to get to the promised results and then they are shamed/made wrong for not delivering. A non - cultish spiritual movement will place people and their growth first,which may mean acknowledging that the movement doesn't always have the best support for everybody.

Yoga techniques are said have come from masters who would do them spontaneously in samadhi. The techniques were later formalized. I think that's how kriya came about too. RS may have just spontaneously started breathing in soham...and seen some good effects in himself. Later the technique was refined (by trying the mantra on human guinea pigs), and lo and behold Sudarshan Kriya was born. 

It is not bad technique, especially for beginners. But willful techniques have a beginning and an end. At some point you have to drop techniques and just be natural.

Hey Sri Sri, if you really want to help humanity (and not just the paying kind), think of spreading your art of living movement to the poorest of the poor living around the world. They sure could use some stress-relief! Oh! I forgot that may bankrupt you and close the place.

"When I became unable to cope with all my emotional turmoil in relation to RS, I ended up doing 3 kriyas a day."

You're not supposed to do more than one kriya per day. Doing three like this is not following your guru's instructions. No wonder you had "raw nerves"! Meditation is also good for you, but try meditating 6 or 9 hours a day and you will go a little nuts! Follow the instructions of your spiritual teacher. This freelance stuff will make you crazy!


Thanks AD for having posted this article. I was looking for answers about SK as I recently did a 3 day short course on it. The second day I had a strong fainting feeling after I completed the Kriya and had to sit up. I also felt negative and low all evening. The third day was a lil depressed. I stopped the kriya and started it after a few days. I started to feel depressed and negative all over again. I also got impatient and nasty at times. I felt like crying in the evenings. I do drink over 2 litres of water a day which they say is necessary while one practices. I am in a worse kind of state and after the kriya my hand shivers for a good 5 minutes. After reading your article I am glad am not the only one. Was a big mistake to have done the Art of Living course. It didnt work for me. 


Thanks AD for having posted this article. I was looking for answers about SK as I recently did a 3 day short course on it. The second day I had a strong fainting feeling after I completed the Kriya and had to sit up. I also felt negative and low all evening. The third day was a lil depressed. I stopped the kriya and started it after a few days. I started to feel depressed and negative all over again. I also got impatient and nasty at times. I felt like crying in the evenings. I do drink over 2 litres of water a day which they say is necessary while one practices. I am in a worse kind of state and after the kriya my hand shivers for a good 5 minutes. After reading your article I am glad am not the only one. Was a big mistake to have done the Art of Living course. It didnt work for me. God Bless you.

I did basic AOL course.I did SKY 6 times ,which included 2 log kriya and four short ones.the first week enjoyed the High or so called numbness of being dumb, But soon after i started to realise that my ability to think critically has gone down drastically.I am not able to take basic level decisions and this numbness in mind increases whenever I am in situations where decision making is required.Its almost six days when last i did that Kriya. I researched and found that this kriya is nothing but hyperventilation ,and tried inhaling repeatedly in a paper bag to restore the carbon dioxide level in in the blood.This gave me a quick relief But have not been able to recover completely .I still suffer from bouts of numbness specially behind the temporal area of the brain during the stress hours of the day and my ability to take decisions gets marred whenever this numbness stroke occurs.Please help as I am finding difficulty in fulfilling my official and personal responsibilities effectively.Have i suffered from some kind of damage .How long will it take to recuperate?

You have mentioned about `nadishodan`. Could you place tell me a good place to start practising this? I am a student living abroad and have no access to a school and would be grateful if you could provide some online resources.

Further to strengthen your energy-body you may follow those practices which Acharya ji has suggested to Arun at the following link - -effects-of-sudarshan-kriya/

It is what you can start now and comeback with your feedback.

Also, is it absolutely necessary to renounce the world to realise god? Can we not show compassion, extend our help and be a good human being and still be spiritually satisfied. I guess what I mean to ask is, how important is it to renounce the material living and severe all ties to gain spiritual knowledge.

Dear Acharya,

 I was suffering a lot from sleep problems and dizziness and on a whim one day I did Kapaal Bhati and anulom vilom and that night I got great sleep. This was the case for the next 5 days. 6th day, I got food poisoning and my sleep became bad again. This was in 2011. I still continued Kapaal Bhati and anulom vilom though I got not much benefit from it. Then in 2012, my dizziness got resolved on its own and over a period of another 3 months, with homeopathy, my sleep problems also got resolved. I started doing Sudarshan Kriya around June 2012 and since then, I started getting instant sleep(earlier, it would take me about 30-45 minutes to fall asleep after going to bed). Around Dec 2012, I developed a pain in my left foot which was diagnosed as flat foot and I did some excercises for strengthening the arches and the pain was not too high. Then in April 2013, I started climbing stairs in order to get excercise and used to climb 7 floors 3 times a day. Around June 2015, my right knee started getting some pain and I stopped climbing stairs and avoided putting strain on my legs by avoiding unnecessary stairs climbing. The pain was there in my right knee, but very mild and orthopaedics only advised excercise.

Around June 2016, I got a food poisoning and after about 2 weeks, my stomach settled, but I got severe dizziness. My left foot pain and right knee pain were pretty much same and nothing much changed in that regard. In Aug 2016, my right ear felt full and started giving a whistling sound and after that, my sleep went bad and till now it is not back to normal. Around Sep 2016, my left knee also started having similar pain as my right knee. Since Oct 2016, I have stopped sitting in Vajrasan while doing sudarshan kriya in order to avoid any strain on my legs. Now since the last two months, my calf muscles are feeling tight in both my legs and last 3-4 days it is much worse. Is this due to the pranayam? I do not want to stop the sudarshan kriya and kapal bhati and anulom vilom since I did get some decent benefits out of them initially and probably due to that I did not think that the pain in my left heel could be because of it. But if they are going to make things worse for my legs, I think I should stop them. Need your kind advice regarding the same 0852c4b9a8

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