Our Robots

"2019-20 Infinite Recharge Robot"

2019-20 Robot, First Infinite Recharge

"Benedict Cargo-Hatch"

2018-2019 Robot, First Deep Space

Our most accomplished robot yet, has the capability to lift up to a max height of 8 feet and shoot a kick ball.

"Big Meaty Claw"

2017-2018 Robot, First Power Up

The heaviest allowed robot with a big meaty claw on the front.

"Mini Me"

2017 Summer Robot

The “MiniMe” mecanum robot was built a previous summer and recently refreshed in summer of 2019. An easy to put together mini robot with mecanum drive.


2016-2017 Robot, First Steamworks

A robot almost completely made from VEX®, our second attempt at building a robot. Skills are getting better.

"Flat Metal Pancake"

2015-2016 Robot, First Stronghold

Our first ever attempt to build a robot as a rookie team.