SB County Digital Library Tutorials & Videos

Talk to your English teacher about getting your own county digital library card, or email the school librarian

Sign in to Overdrive on the County's website and check out a book!

Signing In and Checking out your first book.mp4

The video will walk you through how to log in to Overdrive through the San Bernardino County public library's website. If you prefer a step-by-step walk through, check out this Slide presentation.

How to sign in & check out a book

Sign in to Overdrive on your mobile device using the Libby app!

Reading on a mobile device.mp4
My Account Settings

Overdrive Account Settings

Get to know Overdrive better! Use your account to make Overdrive a personalized, easy-to-use experience. You can check out books, place a hold, add to your wish list, even make a recommendation to the library of what to purchase!