The package of angle-of-arrival files created by Dean Straw, N6BV, in support of HFTA terrain analysis may have been partially installed or omitted entirely. The entire package, including antenna models, is available as a downloadable zip file at the following link:

SCALE.ZIP - a software utility to change the frequency of YW antenna models while compensating for element diameters and taper. Models from other software can be used as described in the documentation included with the utility.

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GAMMAMW4.ZIP - An improved version of the previous utility GAMM2-1 that corrects a calculation problem that fails to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value. The code was developed by Bill Wortman, N6MW and generously donated to the ARRL and the readers of the Antenna Book, ARRL Handbook, and Low-Band DXing by ON4UN. The ARRL also wishes to thank Greg Ordy, W8WWV for testing the code. - software to analyze antenna tuners by Dean Straw, N6BV. The compressed file includes AAT.EXE - the software - plus a PDF instruction file, desktop icon, and associated LOG and SUM file examples. The program will not run under 64-bit operating systems. The program has been run successfully under versions of Windows that have 32-bit/16-bit compatibility, such as XP and Vista. It will not run under 64-bit versions of Win 7/8/10.

ARRL antenna modeling files for the ARRL Antenna Book - the set of EZNEC modeling files represent many of the antennas discussed in the Antenna Book. The models are grouped in folders named for the type of antenna they represent. A complete description of the files is included on this README.TXT file which is duplicated on the book's CD-ROM. The models include the new high-performance VHF/UHF Yagi designs by GKSC created for this edition of the Antenna Book and discussed in Chapter 15. The GKSC models require EZNEC/PRO4 for accurate reproduction of the radiation pattern, gain, and other specifications.

Broadband wire antenna design for 160 through 40 meters - the following links to downloadable articles and online resources provide additional ideas for broadbanding wire antennas on the MF and lower-HF bands.

Antenna Designs - the following articles present interesting and special-purpose antenna designs. This list will expand with more articles over time. Check back from time to time for new additions!

This web page is for information that extends or supports the ARRL Antenna Book beginning with the 22nd edition. The section for each edition contains links to supplemental files and software, non-ARRL documents, and errata and corrections. To purchase the book, click here or browse to the ARRL Store where you can also find numerous other publications on antennas and transmission lines.

EZNEC-ARRL included with the Antenna Book's 22nd edition is a special version of EZNEC 5.0 - its primary purpose is to enable viewing and analysis of the example antennas included with the Antenna Book. It operates as a normal EZNEC demo program except when a specially "signed" EZNEC description file (included on the Antenna Book CD) is opened. When analyzing a "signed" file, EZNEC-ARRL becomes a fully functional just like the standard EZNEC software. "Signed" files can be modified in any way and analyzed with full standard EZNEC program capability. However, EZNEC-ARRL will revert to demo operation when any file saved by EZNEC-ARRL, including a modified "signed" file, is re-opened. Any version of EZNEC-ARRL (including the versions from previous Antenna Books) will function with "signed" files from any Antenna Book edition and all EZNEC model files are compatible with all EZNEC program types. No other "signed" files are available except the ones furnished with the Antenna Book, and EZNEC-ARRL can be obtained only by purchasing the Antenna Book.

GAMMAMW4.ZIP - An improved version of GAMM2-1.ZIP that corrects a calculation problem that fails to find solutions to the calculations when the combination of the desired feed line impedance exceeds the product of the raw antenna resistance and the gamma step-up value.. The code was developed by Bill Wortman, N6MW and generously donated to the ARRL and the readers of the Antenna Book, ARRL Handbook, and Low-Band DXing by ON4UN. The ARRL also wishes to thank Greg Ordy, W8WWV for testing the code. - software to analyze antenna tuners by Dean Straw, N6BV. The compressed file includes AAT.EXE - the software - plus a PDF instruction file, desktop icon, and associated LOG and SUM file examples.

Seawater Grounds by Rudy Severns, N6LF - In this article, Rudy addresses the situation of installing a vertical antenna on a dock, pier, or beach and the effectiveness of using salt water as a ground.

An update to the design of the G5RV antenna was developed by Brian Austin, GGSF (formerly ZS6BKW). The ZS6BKW offers multiband performance on five bands and with 50-ohm coax for the final run, not the 75-ohm twin as in the original G5RV. The web article by G3TXQ goes into some detail about the antenna, comparing it to the G5RV and including some commentary by LB Cebik, W4RNL (SK).

Antenna Height and Communications Effectiveness- A Guide for City Planners and Amateur Radio Operators - by Dean Straw N6BV and Gerald Hall, K1TD. The paper provides general information about communications effectiveness as related to the physical height of antennas. The intended audience is amateur radio operators and the city and town Planning Boards before which a radio amateur must sometimes appear to obtain building permits for radio towers and antennas.

Rotator Specifications - This PDF document lists a number of popular rotators along with their specifications for rotating and braking torque. The list is not meant to be exhaustive or complete - it was last edited in July 2011. Updates may be sent to

Manufacturers and Material Suppliers Spreadsheet - This spreadsheet (Excel format - XLS) contains directories for service providers, and for suppliers and manufacturers of materials and components for antenna system construction and maintenance. Distributors are not listed - see QST magazine. The list is not meant to be exhaustive or complete - it was last edited in July 2011. Updates may be sent to

A Study of Tall Verticals by Al Christman, K3LC, QEX, May/June 2011, pp 26-31. The author conducted a study of quarter-wavelength vertical antennas used on bands higher in frequency than that for which they were designed.

HF Antennas and Restricted Living by Dick Jansson, KD1K, QST, March 2008, pp 56-58. The article describes a low-visibility multiband loop using an auto-tuner to operate from an antenna-restricted apartment.

All gain values were calculated using EZNEC's MININEC ground. These calculated gains and elevation angles are examples meant to illustrate the large effect that height above ground can have on antenna pattern. They are unlikely to be exactly correct for a real antenna in an actual installation.

11.2.1 Yagi Gain - fifth paragraph - when referring to "dBd", the dipole is not in free space unless the antenna for which gain is being given in dBd is also in free space. In general, dBd is a reference to the gain of a dipole located exactly at the same effective height as the comparison antenna and oriented so that its maximum gain is in the same direction as that of the comparison antenna. (Thanks, Tom W8JI)

Table 11-8: Director 3 for the 205CA is missing. It has a spacing of 190" and the element tip is 55". Note that because the HyGain boom-to-element clamps require several inches of boom, the elements can't be mounted exactly at the end of the boom. Since the boom length of 34' is the same as the sum of element spacings, Director 3 can not have a spacing of 190" and will have to be a few inches less. This does not result in a significant change in antenna pattern according to designer N6BV.

The YW files for some of the modified Hygain antennas are missing some information due to lines in the file having been dropped. Here are the correct versions of the file. No other files need to be replaced. Place these files in your YW_Yagis for Windows folder and rename them to use the YW extension (i.e. - BV105CA-Complete.YW).

The package of angle-of-arrival files created by Dean Straw, N6BV, in support of HFTA terrain analysis may have been partially installed or omitted entirely. The entire package, including antenna models, is available as a downloadable zip file at the following link:

This table by Steve Stearns, K6OIK, from the Antenna Modeling chapter (Chap 5) of the Antenna Book's 25th edition lists a number of antenna modeling programs based on the NEC2 computing engine along with electromagnetic solver/modeling/simulation programs. The professional programs may have student or non-commercial versions available at lost cost. The modeling programs are generally low-cost and some are free. Reviews of the software may be available on websites such as

Dave Patton, NN1N, notes that to avoid scratching the paint under a mag-mount antenna, cut Tyvek (thin, tough plastic film) circles that are the same diameter of the magnets. Place the film under the magnet and the mount will still stay firmly attached without affecting the electrical characteristics. (The same goes for HF mobile mag-mount antennas.)

So far so good - BUT according to antenna experts, the permeability 10 of the iron powder material #2 is far from sufficient.

To function as a broadband impedance transformer, the permeability of the UnUn would need to be in the range of about 125-2000, which requires the use of a ferrite material (e.g. mix #61, #43 or #77).

The KX antenna tuner seems to work great as well with a long wire and a radial hanging off the back with a bnc to binding post adapter for the minimalist using #26 silky wire. I challenge anyone to try any wire thinner without a mess of trying to unravel it all

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