Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood oil is commonly known for its woodsy, sweet smell. It is frequently used as a base for products such as incense, perfumes, cosmetics and aftershave. It also easily blends well with other oils.

Sandalwood oil is one of the most expensive essential oils available on the market today. The highest quality sandalwood is the Indian variety, known as Santalum album. Hawaii and Australia also produce sandalwood, but it’s not considered to be of the same quality and purity as the Indian variety.

Sandalwood is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and should not be taken in place of approved and prescribed medicines, for this reason AROMAANCE does not recommend its use internally.

Sandalwood’s benefits are numerous, but there are a few that particularly stand out. Let’s take a look at those now!

1. Mental clarity

One of the primary sandalwood benefits is that it promotes mental clarity when used in aromatherapy or as a fragrance. This is why it’s often used for meditation, prayer, or other spiritual rituals.

The researchers found that sandalwood’s main compound, alpha-santalol, generated high ratings of attentiveness and mood.

Inhale some sandalwood oil next time you have a big deadline that requires mental focus, but you still want to remain calm during the process.

2. Relaxing and calming

Along with lavender and chamomile, sandalwood commonly makes the list of essentials oils used in aromatherapy to relieve anxiety, stress and depression.

3. Natural aphrodisiac

Practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine traditionally use sandalwood as an aphrodisiac. Since it’s a natural substance that can increase sexual desire, sandalwood helps to increase libido and may help men with impotence.

To use sandalwood oil as a natural aphrodisiac, trying adding a couple of drops to massage oil or topical lotion.

4. Astringent

Sandalwood is a mild astringent, meaning it can induce minor contractions in our soft tissues, such as gums and skin. Many aftershaves and facial toners use sandalwood as one of their primary ingredients to help soothe, tighten, and cleanse the skin.

If you’re looking for an astringent effect from your natural body care products, you can add a couple of drops of sandalwood oil. Many people also use sandalwood oil to fight acne and dark spots.

5. Anti-viral and antiseptic

Sandalwood is an excellent anti-viral agent. It has been found to be beneficial to prevent replication of common viruses, such as herpes simplex viruses-1 and -2.

Other uses include the reduction of inflammation from mild skin irritation such as superficial wounds, pimples, warts or boils. Just make sure to always test the oil on a small area before applying it directly to the skin or mix it with a base carrier oil first.

Does SANDALWOOD oil have side effects?

There are no known major side effects to the use of sandalwood. Some people may experience minor skin irritation from its topical use. As with any essential oil, perform a small test patch to the skin first before using it all over. Always mix sandalwood oil with a carrier oil or lotion first to dilute it before applying it to the skin. Common carrier oils include: almond oil, jojoba oil or grapeseed oil.

People with kidney disease as well as infants and children should not use sandalwood internally. Pregnant or nursing moms should not use sandalwood oil internally. Check with your healthcare provider before using sandalwood oil in any way if you are pregnant, nursing, have a medical condition or are currently taken medication.

Always choose a sandalwood essential oil that is 100 percent pure, therapeutic grade and certified organic to ensure potency, safety and effectiveness.


White sandalwood might have an effect like a water pill or "diuretic." Taking white sandalwood might decrease how well the body gets rid of lithium. This could increase how much lithium is in the body and result in serious side effects. Talk with your healthcare provider before using this product if you are taking lithium. Your lithium dose might need to be changed. Again, Aromaance would never recommend the use of essential oils internally.

Click here for more details on use of Aroma Oils.